douglas@bcsaic.UUCP (douglas schuler) (10/25/85)
After some agony and more money than I would have liked to have spent (Have other people had bad experiences with Percom (and STC) repair?) I have again a fully functioning TRS-80 III. I repaired it in order to sell it as I now have a Macintosh. 1. My first thought is to sell it. How much is it worth? It has two double sided double density percom drives installed internally. Also, 48K and RS232 extension. 2. If what I could get is too low, I'm wondering what else I could do with it as some sort of peripheral. For example, is there any way to [fairly easily and cheaply - communciation freeware or shareware availability] transform it into a bulletin board or news/mail node? Is it ridiculous to think of it as a possible print buffer for the Mac? How easy is it to connect the two? 3. Barring both of the above, does anybody know about giving it away? I'm curious what good that act could do to my taxes as well as what organizations or institutions might appreciate the computer. Please send mail if you have a line on any of these questions. Thanks very much in advance. -- ** MY VIEWS MAY NOT BE IDENTICAL TO THOSE OF THE BOEING CORPORATION ** Doug Schuler (206) 763-5295 {allegra,ihnp4,decvax}uw-beaver!uw-june!bcsaic!douglas uw-june!bcsaic!