marty1@houem.UUCP (M.BRILLIANT) (11/02/85)
I'm puzzled by a review of Supermod4 in the 9/85 80-Micro. It says Supermod4 enables certain Model 4 features, including the 80x24 screen, on a Model 4 running a Model III DOS. I'm using both a Model III and a Model 4, but I don't have disks so I can't figure out the following puzzle myself. The reviewer says it works well with TBBS bulletin-board software and with Microterm. He also says its video features work only with programs that use the built-in video drivers. But the built-in video drivers disable interrupts, so if a terminal program uses them it drops characters (generally right after carriage-returns) at 1200 baud or faster. I know of two fast home-brew terminal programs and they both have their own video drivers. So if Supermod4 works with TBBS and Microterm, does that mean TBBS and Microterm use the built-in video drivers, and therefore drop characters at 1200 baud, or do they have a trick I don't know about? M. B. Brilliant houem!marty1 39 McCampbell Road Holmdel, NJ 07733 (201)-946-8147 AT&T-BL Holmdel, NJ (201)-949-1858