[net.micro.trs-80] Tandy TRS-80 Model 4P for sale



For sale:

Tandy TRS-80 Model 4P - Engine in excellent condition, recently tuned up for
			no specific reason - just to align drives, blow dust
			out, and such.  Case in pretty good condition - a few
			scratches here and there, but definately nothing major
			and barely anything minor.

			128K, 2 drives, parallel and serial ports,
			9" monochrome monitor, all in one portable package.

			Bought for $1800, asking $600.

			Have much software for it, price negotiable.

Tandy Modem IB -	Excellent condition, 300 baud, no frills.
			Bought for $100, asking $25.

Tandy DMP-200 printer - Excellent condition, many features.

			Bought for $700, asking $400.