[net.micro.trs-80] Formatter in net.sources

jons@islenet.UUCP (Jonathan Spangler) (11/15/85)

Well, due to overwhelming response, the source for the M100 text formatter
was put in net.sources in four parts:
	1) prndoc.do - This is the document for PRINT (the program name)
(size = 10995)
	2) prnmod.do - The document for modifying PRINT to work with 
your specific printer.
(size = 6694)
	3) prn100.obj - The data file for loading the machine language
(size = 7212)
	4) prn100.ldr - The BASIC loading program.
(size = 1388 ASCII)
(size = 1035 BASIC)

Since I have a 32k M100, I don't know if the program works on a 16k machine.
BUT, I would think that you would have to have at least a 16k machine if 
one figures that the data file is 7k and the machine loader program (written
in BASIC) is 1k -- you need at least 10k for the program to run.
	The actual final machine language code is much smaller -- comes
out on my machine at 3128. And since you don't need any of the other files,
the program only takes up 3k!
	Problem: I don't have the PRN100.BAS needed for the printer 
installation. Anybody have access to Compuserve and can ask Jim Irwin 
(72346,1020) about that program? I think it would be helpful.
	Unrelated question: Anybody know about the "C" compilier for the 
M100? It was advertised in PCM (Perconal Computing Magazine for Tandy 
Computer Users).


Jonathan Spangler

ps - a good review on text formatter's for the Model 100 appears in the
August '85 issue of Portable 100/200.
More info:
	Camden Communications, Inc.
	PO Box 250 or Highland Mill
	Camden, ME  04843
	(207) 236-4365
	CompuServe ID: 76703,372

Jonathan Spangler