From: Edward G. Savage <Savage@GREEN.RUTGERS.EDU> Here is a list of the current files we have in our TRS-80/Tandy Users' Group of Rutgers University directory. These files are available on Arpanet host RU-GREEN. You may FTP them with an ANONYMOUS login and the usual bogus password. As you can see, some of the files are Offline. If you would like me to retrieve it, please drop me a note and I'll do it ASAP and tell you when it's been restored. Following is the the directory of <MICROCOMPUTER.TRS-80> on the RU-GREEN computer (a TOPS-20 system): ------ GREEN:<MICROCOMPUTER.TRS-80> ANCHOR-XII-MODEM.MODIFICATION.1 .TURBO-PASCAL-PROG.1 BBS.LIST.1 DIRECTORY.OWNER.1 HACKER.TRIALS.1;OFFLINE HELP.NEWDOS-CMD.1;OFFLINE INFORMATION-ON-MEMBERS.WIDTH-132.1 KERMAKE.BAS.2 MAIL.1-OLD.1;OFFLINE .2-OLD.1;OFFLINE .3-OLD.1;OFFLINE .TXT.1 MIDI.INFO.1 OS9.UPDATE.1;OFFLINE .USERS.1;OFFLINE PROGRAMS.TRS-80.1 TERMCAP.EXPLANATION.1 .ST80III-MOD-1-3-4.1 .TRSTERM-MOD-1-3-4.1 .VIDEOTEX-MOD-1-3-4.1 .VIP-TERIMINAL-COCO.1 TRSTERM.HEX-DUMP.1;OFFLINE .SRC.1 USERS-GROUP.ALL-TANDY-USERS.2 .COCO-USERS.1 .HOW-TO-USE-THESE-FILES.1 .MOD-1-3-4-USERS.2 .TANDY-1000-1200-2000-USERS.1 VECTREX.STUFF1.1;OFFLINE .STUFF2.1;OFFLINE VT52.CONTROL-CODES.1 .HELP.1 .TBL.1 XDLMODEM.CMD.1 XTERM.CMD.1 .READ-THIS.1 ----- Our group is always looking for more public domain programs for all models of Tandy computers. If you have any interesting public domain software that you would like to share, please contact me and we'll make room for it here. Also, if you don't have Arpa-net access, I can always mail the file(s) that interest you. If there any questions or comments please contact me. Ed Savage ARPA: SAVAGE@RU-GREEN UUCP: topaz!ru-green!savage -------