ir682@sdcc6.UUCP (Gerald Steinberg) (05/30/86)
Model 100? Summary: Expires: References: Sender: Reply-To: ir682@sdcc6.UUCP (Gerald Steinberg) Followup-To: Distribution: net Organization: U.C. San Diego, Academic Computer Center Keywords: Does anyone have a working XMODEM program for the Model 100? If so, would it be possible to post it on the net or to send it to me via E-Mail? Also, is there a public domain program that would allow text editing or file manipulation (ie, killing a file) while using TELCOM? Last request: Some months ago, Gregg Thompson posted a list of public domain Model 100 software which he had. I have been unable to send to the address I have for him. If Gregg Thompson reads this or someone has a correct address, please let me know. Much obliged, G. Steinberg
howarde@mmintl.UUCP (Howard Eglowstein) (06/02/86)
I found this on some BBS a while back and have used it with great success. I assume that's public domain... --- Cut here --- XMDDOC.DO follows ---------------------------- CREATING 'XMD100.CO' ******************** The XMD100.HEX file must be converted to XMD100.CO for use. When XMD100.HEX is downloaded you should name it XMD100.DO. Before conversion, and before each time the program is run, the high memory pointer must be set to (or be KNOWN to be) a maximum of 59391 (lower is OK) using the CLEAR command (see the model 100 manual). This can be accomplished with the simple BASIC program (below) if other HIMEM values have been set by other programs that you use. If you never change HIMEM, then it is only necessary to do this once from BASIC. "XMD100.CO" may then be run directly on later occasions. 100 CLEAR 256,59391 200 RUNM "XMD100.CO" This will reset HIMEM each time it runs and then run the XMD100 machine language program. The value '256' in line 100 is nominal and may be changed to anything desired. The 59391 may be changed to anything lower, if necessary for other purposes. "XMD100.BA" would be a logical name to use for this program: it would then be run instead of "XMD100.CO", which would be then be run by it (RUNM). Use LOAD.BA from DL4 to convert "XMD100.DO" to "XMD100.CO". When LOAD.BA runs, it will prompt you for a filename. Just XMD100 will be sufficient. It will then begin to print out the decimal addresses of each checksum block. , starting with 59392 and ending with 62285. This will take about 8 minutes and it will beep when done, so don't bother watching. "XMD100.CO" also uses 62286 to 629555 (F34E-F5EB hex) for ram variables and buffering, so if you have other concurrent uses for any of this memory, then you will need a version assembled at a lower memory location (it is not relocatable)...leave me a message (71716,1642) When LOAD.BA is finished, it will prompt you for a RUN address. Just press "ENTER", since it runs at the beginning address (59392). You have now saved a .CO file named "XMD100.CO", which you should see on your menu. RUNNING 'XMD100.CO' ******************* Put your menu cursor on "XMD100.CO" and press "ENTER". The screen will clear and the copyright and version message will be displayed, followed by the prompt "TelXcommand:". If it doesn't, there is probably a memory conflict with another program, or an error occured during the creation process (leave me a message). This is command mode, and is very like the same mode of "TELCOM" except TERM is at [F7] and [F4] and [F5] are the directory and free RAM displays, respectively. To send or receive with XMODEM protocol you must enter the normal terminal mode (in any of the normal ways) and then the XMODEM terminal mode (same mode, actually, only the function keys are different) by pressing "[F7] Xmod". Now you will see "[F2] Send" and "[F3] Recv". Before proceeding, the host (computer being Sent to or Received from) must be at the point of waiting for the XMODEM transfer to begin. It will either be awaiting a CRC or checksum request, or repeatedly sending same. Pressing either "[F2] Send" or "[F3] Recv" will prompt for a filename (must be an ASCII file, i.e., .DO). In the case of receiving, the file must not already exist. If it does, you will be asked if you want to erase it. This is different from the Download routine, which will presumptuously erase your file without asking. After this filename is entered, Send or Receive will automatically go on to completion or error, either of which beeps the buzzer. In the case of error, it displays the cause of error and retry number (it trys up to 10 times). After a successful tranfer it returns to XMODEM terminal mode. NOTES: The Xmodem transfer can be used with any baud rate, word length, parity, number of stop bits, and flow control (XON/XOFF enabled or not) since it forces the setting to "x8N1D"(where 'x' is the baud rate [1-9 or M] you have set) during the transfer, then restores your previous settings when finished or aborted. However, if the "RESET" button on the back of the model 100 is pressed during the transfer, the settings remain at "x8N1D". In this version, tranfer can be aborted by pressing control-X (CTRL and X together), which returns to XMODEM terminal mode without breaking the connection. This does not, however, send the host a CTRL-X character, which it should to signal the abort. The transfer routine doesn't respond to the abort signal from the host except as a BAD HEADER, and must receive at least 10 to be aborted. Also, at the end of a tranfer, you make see some extraneous characters, or a truncated message from the host. This is because the "send" or "receive OK" message is printed before the serial settings are restored and therefore XON/XOFF is still disabled, causing the loss of a few characters from any post-transfer message the host may send. Later versions should correct these oversights. Command Mode Function Keys: [F1] Find / search ADRS.DO for a number (see 'TELCOM' section of model 100 operating manual) [F2] Call / dial a selected number, just as in TELCOM [F3] Stat / display or alter the serial port status [F4] File / displays the filename directory, as in BASIC [F5] Free / displays free RAM remaining, as in the MENU display [F6] is unused (suggestions ?) [F7] Term / switches to normal terminal emulation mode [F8] Menu / returns to the MENU Normal Terminal Mode Function Keys: [F1] Prev / displays the previous 8 lines (also XOFF's the reception, if enabled) until [F1] is pressed again [F2] Down / downloads just like "TELCOM" [F3] Up / uploads just like "TELCOM" [F4] Full or Half / toggles between full and half duplex (remains in effect in XMODEM terminal mode; see model 100 operating manual) [F5] Echo (or blank) / toggles the printer echoing on and off (remains in effect in XMODEM terminal mode) [F6] Wait (or blank)/ says 'Wait' when reception has been stopped by the host (see model 100 operating manual) [F7] Xmod / switches to XMODEM terminal mode (see below) [F8] Bye / returns to command mode, 'Y' to confirm XMODEM Terminal Mode Function Keys: [F1] Prev / displays the previous 8 lines (also XOFF's the reception, if enabled) until [F1] is pressed again [F2] Send / sends a .DO file to the host, using XMODEM protocol, beginning by prompting for a filename (.DO ext may be left off) [F3] Recv / receives a .DO file from the host, using XMODEM protocol, beginning by prompting for a filename(.DO ext may be left off) [F4] File / displays the filename directory, as in BASIC [F5] Free / displays free RAM remaining, as in the MENU display [F6] Wait (or blank)/ says 'Wait' when reception has been stopped by the host (see model 100 operating manual) [F7] CRC or CkSm / toggles between CRC (cyclic redundancy check: a polynomial-generated 16-bit checksum) and regular checksum mode...overridden by host request when sending XMODEM. [F8] Norm / returns to normal terminal emulation mode Please address any questions or reports of difficulties to: JOHN CHENOWETH 71716,1642 I would also like to hear from anyone with a model 200 or working knowledge of same since I wish to rewrite this for the 200, but I don't have access to one. --- Cut here --- XMD100.DO follows (HEX file)------------------------- :20E8000021F5F2CD9157CD4442217BE8CDA542C3D0E8CD2942217BE8CD7C5ACD535DCDB4D8 :20E82000EFCDA0EF2112E82252F62142E8CD9157CD4446D7A7CA1BE81150E8CDA76CCA1261 :20E84000E8C954656C58636F6D6D616E643A200053544154C9E85445524DD3E943414C4C54 :20E860003EE946494E4453E94D454E55975746494C45A8E846524545AEE8FF46696E6420E9 :20E880008043616C6C208053746174208046696C65738D467265658D805465726D8D4D65BA :20E8A0006E758D4A52433337CD3AEBC31BE8CD31EBC31BE853657269616C20506F727420F3 :20E8C0005374617475733A20002BD73C3DC2FCE821B4E8CD9157215BF606057EE72305C2FB :20E8E000DBE83E2CE73A2BF60F3E3298E721F6E8CDB127C31BE8302070707300DA0DE9FED0 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:20F2C0000D0A0A072052656365697665204F4B20286E6F7720696E205445524D206D6F641E :20F2E00065290D0A001B4D0D07425245414B206B6579202D000D4D2D31303020584D6F6422 :20F30000656D205854656E73696F6E2056657273696F6E20312E30300D0A202D207265760D :20F3200069736564202D2030392F31312F3835202D0D0A28432931393835206279204A20D1 :0EF3400052204368656E6F776574680D0A0091 :00000001FF --- Cut here --- LOAD.BA follows ---------------------------- 10 GOTO 1000:REM a LOAD program for Intel .HEX files - John Chenoweth 09/11/85 300 IF LEN(HEX$)<>4 THEN POP:GOTO 9000 ELSE DIGITS=4:GOTO 310 302 IF LEN(HEX$)<>2 THEN POP:GOTO 9000 ELSE DIGITS=2 310 HSUM=0:FOR J=1 TO DIGITS 320 CV=ASC(MID$(HEX$,J,1)) 330 IF CV>57 THEN CV=CV-7 335 CV=CV-48:IF CV<0 OR CV>15 THEN POP:GOTO 9000 340 HSUM=HSUM*16+CV 350 NEXT J 360 DX=HSUM:RETURN 700 DX=DX/256:DX=INT(DX):RETURN 800 TMPX=DX:GOSUB 700:DX=DX*256:DX=TMPX-DX:RETURN 1000 INPUT"Enter filename:";FIL$ 1010 FIL$=LEFT$(FIL$,6)+".DO" 1020 OPEN FIL$ FOR INPUT AS 1 1030 ON ERROR GOTO 5000 1040 HP=0:LP=65535 1100 CHKSUM=0:HEX$=INPUT$(1,1):IF HEX$< >":" THEN PRINT"ERROR:on the ':' delimiter":GOTO 9900 1110 HEX$=INPUT$(2,1):GOSUB 302:CHKSUM=CHKSUM+DX:NUMBYT=DX 1120 HEX$=INPUT$(4,1):GOSUB 300:PNTR=DX:GOSUB 700:CHKSUM=CHKSUM+DX:DX=PNTR:GOSUB 800:CHKSUM=CHKSUM+DX 1130 HEX$=INPUT$(2,1):IF HEX$<>"00" THEN 4000 1160 IF PNTR < LP THEN LP=PNTR 1170 IF PNTR+NUMBYT-1 > HP THEN HP=PNTR+NUMBYT-1 1180 PRINT PNTR 1200 FOR B=1 TO NUMBYT 1210 HEX$=INPUT$(2,1):GOSUB 302:IF DX<0 OR DX>255 THEN PRINT:PRINT"ERROR:bad byte value":GOTO 9900 1220 POKE PNTR,DX:CHKSUM=CHKSUM+DX:PNTR=PNTR+1:NEXT B 1230 HEX$=INPUT$(2,1):GOSUB 302:CHKSUM=CHKSUM+DX 1240 DX=CHKSUM:GOSUB 800:IF DX <> 0 THEN PRINT:PRINT"ERROR:checksum":GOTO 9900 1250 HEX$=INPUT$(2,1):IF HEX$ <> CHR$(13)+CHR$(10) THEN PRINT "blew the CRLF":GOTO 9000 ELSE 1100 4000 IF HEX$<>"01" THEN PRINT "ERROR:on the reserved byte":GOTO 9900 4010 HEX$=INPUT$(2,1):IF HEX$<>"FF" THEN PRINT "ERROR:checksum":GOTO 9900 5000 REM here we create the .CO file 5010 CLOSE #1:FOR J=1 TO 7:BEEP:NEXT J 5020 PRINT " LOW POINTER =";LP 5030 PRINT "HIGH POINTER =";HP 5040 RA=LP:REM default run address 5050 PRINT "Just press ENTER for RUN at low pointer" 5060 INPUT"RUN ADDRESS ";RA 5070 SAVEM FIL$,LP,HP,RA:PRINT "DONE":MENU 9000 PRINT"ERROR:bad Intel .HEX format" 9900 CLOSE #1 9999 END --- Cut here ------------------------------------------- Many programs reset the string areas. Machine language programs frequently use this space and it needs to be reset. SETRAM does just that for both the M100 and M200 (note to FLOPPY.CO users!!). I also added the K)eys option to restore the function keys in BASIC back to sane settings. A whole lot of programs zap these suckers to WEIRD settings and they're a pain to restore. Keep this program around with XMD100.CO and you'll never go wrong. --- Cut here --- SETRAM.BA follows ------------------------- 10 'RAM Area Setting 15 ' line 70 was ... 256,59400 20 CLS:PRINT:PRINT" K)eys, Area S)et or F)ree ?" 30 K$=INKEY$:IF K$="" THEN 30 40 K$=CHR$(ASC(LEFT$(K$,1)) AND 223) 50 IF K$="F" THEN CLEAR 256,MAXRAM: MENU 55 IF K$="K" THEN 90 60 IF K$<>"S" THEN BEEP:GOTO 30 70 IF PEEK(1)=171 THEN CLEAR 256,57500 ELSE CLEAR 256,59391 80 MENU 90 KEY 1,"Files"+CHR$(13) 100 KEY 2,"Load "+CHR$(34) 110 KEY 3,"Save "+CHR$(34) 120 KEY 4,"Run"+CHR$(13) 130 KEY 5,"List " 140 KEY 6,"" 150 KEY 7,"" 160 KEY 8,"Menu"+CHR$(13) 170 MENU