[net.games.go] NEMESIS enters human Go tournament

wilcox@inmet.UUCP (09/12/84)

         Computer Competes with Humans at Go Tournament

    For the first time in history, a computer program has played in
a human Go tournament. NEMESIS, the program, was entered into the U.S. Eastern
Championships held on September 1st and 2nd, 1984.  Playing at a rating
of 20 kyu, the program succeeded in holding its own. NEMESIS is now
an officially rated member of the American Go Association.
    NEMESIS was run on an IBM-PC. A full-sized go board was used, with
the moves relayed by a human intermediary to and from the computer. All
games were played with appropriate handicaps and 5.5 points of komi for
even games. Eight games were played with the following results:

        NEMESIS' overall score:   3 wins  5 losses.

        Opponent   Rating  Handicap   Result   Points    Turn   Comments 
        Rusher     16 kyu  4 stones   loses       6      257    
        Frederick  10 kyu  10 stones  wins        6      214
        Gjessing   20 kyu  Black      loses    ~100      288   resignation
        Snell      20 kyu  Black      wins       52.5    236
        Sivel      20 kyu  White      loses        .5    271
        Engelstein 13 kyu  7 stones   wins     ~100      156   resignation
        Jessing    19 kyu  White      wins       22.5    254   even game
        Kurtz      15 kyu  5 stones   wins        6      243

     NEMESIS is expected to enter next year's U.S. Eastern Tournament with a
rating between 15 kyu and 10 kyu.

     NEMESIS is a commercially available program written in 'C' by Bruce
 Wilcox. Questions regarding availability on machines of 16 bit or greater
addressing capability should be addressed to:
  Bruce Wilcox   34 Oak Street  Lexington, Ma. 02173  617-863-1454.