[net.games.go] go board formats for screen terminals

osman@sierra.DEC (Eric, Digital, Maynard, 617 493-6664) (01/28/86)

What follows is a go board that takes advantage of ANSI escape sequences.
If your terminal can display these, please display this board and respond
as to how you like the format.  Lou Cohen and I have been using this to
send computer mail go back and forth.

I have found the format fairly easy to see when displayed, while at the same
time being not too hard to edit (using EMACS) for adding moves.


Board follows . . .
#6[C~~~``O~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1     
#6[C~O~`O``~OO~~~~~~~~~ 2
#6[C~~O`OO~```OO~`~``~~ 3
#6[C~``O``O`~OO`O`~O`~~ 5   3 STONES
#6[CO`OOO~O~```OO~`O~~~ 6
#6[C~O~~`~~O`~O````~~O~ 7
#6[C~~O~`~~~`~O`O~`OO~~ 8 BLACK CAPTURED:
#6[C~`~O~~~`~`OO~OO`~O~ 9   6 STONES
#6[C~~OO`OOO~OO```OO`~~14 LAST MOVE: W F 14