[net.games.go] resubmission of ANSI go board

osman@raynal.DEC (Eric, Digital, Maynard, 617 493-6664) (01/29/86)

What follows is a go board that takes advantage of ANSI escape sequences.
If your terminal can display these, please display this board and respond
as to how you like the format.  Lou Cohen and I have been using this to
send computer mail go back and forth.
I have found the format fairly easy to see when displayed, while at the same
time being not too hard to edit (using EMACS) for adding moves.
p.s. This is a resubmission. In this version, all ESCAPES are represented
	as DOLLAR SIGNS.  In order to properly see the board, you'll need
	to edit the message, globally replace all DOLLAR SIGNS with real
	ESCAPES.  Then display the message literally.

	The reason for the resubmission is that when I received the newsgroup
	following my first submission, all the escapes were gone.  I'd be
	interested in hearing whether other people had the same problem.
	Did only I lose the escapes ?  Only people at Digital ?  People
	everywhere ?
Board follows (with ESCAPES changed to DOLLAR SIGNS) . . .
$#6$[C~~~``O~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1     
$#6$[C~O~`O``~OO~~~~~~~~~ 2
$#6$[C~~O`OO~```OO~`~``~~ 3
$#6$[C~~`O`OO`~O`~O`~OO~~ 4 WHITE CAPTURED:
$#6$[C~``O``O`~OO`O`~O`~~ 5   3 STONES
$#6$[CO`OOO~O~```OO~`O~~~ 6
$#6$[C~O~~`~~O`~O````~~O~ 7
$#6$[C~~O~`~~~`~O`O~`OO~~ 8 BLACK CAPTURED:
$#6$[C~`~O~~~`~`OO~OO`~O~ 9   6 STONES
$#6$[C~~OO`~OO~OO```OO`~~14 LAST MOVE: W H 15