[net.nlang.celts] Computer Index of Traditional Tunes in Published Sources

lfm@ukc.UUCP (L.Marshall) (12/21/83)

I am currently working on an index of traditional tunes of the British Isles
that are available in published sources. The main drive of the index is to
cover instrumental music NOT songs, though there is obviously some overlap.
I also intend to cover North American tunes where I have access to published
sources (such as Coles) and where this seems appropriate - that is where the
tunes are in the Scottish/Irish/English tradition.

Anyone who would like a copy of the index (it will be big remember, and its
nowhere near finished) or would like to help in its compilation, please
get in touch by mail.

  Lindsay F. Marshall
        (Computing Lab., University of Newcastle upon Tyne)
