[net.tv.drwho] Recurring Plot Devices

urban@trwspp.UUCP (04/02/84)

Well, the robots of the Dr. Whoniverse are being catalogued
very nicely.  The Los Angeles public television station is
currently up to the second Tom Baker season (I guess the
Brits call them "series," not "season") and I've noticed
another "gimmick" that seems to occur regularly in the
series: the Doppelganger plot in which one or more
characters are replaced by sinister doubles.  There was
"Invasion of the Androids" as well as the Loch Ness thingy
whose name I can't recall at the beginning of the second
Baker season (gotta keep the Dr. Who Celebration book
at work, I guess).

   It's a pretty common theme in science-fiction (I can
think of a couple of Star Trek episodes without even
thinking about it); over twenty years, how many times was
this gimmick used in Dr. Who?  Thematically related, of
course, are "parallel world" stories like "Inferno" (the
only Pertwee story I seem to remember pretty well) with
characters like the eyepatched Brigadier -- they *look*
like the originals (sort of) but definitely are NOT.

   In fact, an encounter with some kind of "parallel world"
Doctor might make for an entertaining story, if it hasn't
been done already.  Of course, the Five Doctors idea has
some elements of this.
