[net.tv.drwho] Doctor #6/Twin Dilemma

good@ucbtopaz.CC.Berkeley.ARPA (07/15/84)

  I saw "The Twin Dilemma" recently at a con; it was interesting
to say the least.  Colin Baker is radically different from Davison-
in fact, in "The Twin Dilemma" the sixth Doctor describes his fifth incarnation
as "neurotic."  He is very into sarcastic one-liners, and altogether has a 
rather arrogant, loud-mouthed personality.  He is funny, though, and Peri,
who is much nicer than Tegan, seems to be very fond of him.  "The Twin Dilemma,"
unfortunately, was very weird--silly plot, some bad acting,and the dumbest
monsters I've seen in a long time--indescribable sort of sluggy, owly-
faced things.  In short, it was like dead unjugged rabbit fish--"appalling!" 
One guest character does do a Dirty Harry parody, though--a
"do you feel lucky punk," sort of thing. It got a big laugh.

   His costume is indeed loud! Extremely tasteless (though maybe it's just
my personal aversion to bright yellow...)-- which I don't entirely agree
with, as although all of the previous Doctors have dressed eccentrically,
they all had a sort of taste and style all the same...they didn't set your
teeth on edge!  But at least Nathan-Turner didn't quite dare to put him in
a Hawaiian shirt! Peri dresses rather trendily; the show still has a
thighs-exposure syndrome, though. Sarah Sutton (Nyssa) remarked at a recent
San Francisco con that it was lucky she left the show when she did,
considering the rate at which she was losing her clothes!    
   At any rate, Colin Baker does look to be a more jolly, authoritative
Doctor than Davison--he might be more popular with certain Tom Baker fans
I know!!  I just hope that his more lively character won't spark a return
to the more silly, campy stories;  they've had their day. But I think that
after he calms down a bit and really settles into the part more, he'll be
able to carry more serious shows. (rather like the first three or four years
of Tom Baker--funny Doctor, but serious, believable plots nonetheless).
                          Julia Lawrence

                  "I'm a Time Lord; I walk in Eternity."
                                     -"Pyramids of Mars"