rhaynes@sunfun.DEC (Rae Haynes) (08/28/84)
<EXTERMINATE> I, too, just saw "The Armageddon Factor". And I, too, noticed that Drax called the Doctor by a given name until the Doctor corrected him. But the name which Drax called the Doctor was not Fred, and not Alpha Theda, but *Pete*. Rae Haynes DEC, Costa Mesa, California UUCP: ...!{allegra, decvax, ihnp4, ucbvax}!decwrl!dec-rhea!dec-sunfun!rhaynes or ARPA: rhaynes%sunfun.dec@decwrl.ARPA Mon 27-Aug-1984 16:07 PDT
guest@duke.UUCP (John Q. Public) (09/19/84)
Got it not Pete, not Theta Sigma, but THETE! (Just look at the novelisation!)