[net.misc] Danish Translation Needed

paul@phs.UUCP (06/02/84)

Sorry for sending this to net.misc, where I'm not sure it belongs,
but I think net.misc goes to Europe which may be a good thing here.
Anyway, where else would it go?

I recently bought a card, the writing upon which is entirely in
Danish; I hoped to send it to my mother (on whatever occasion was
proper) since, though she was born in the US, both her parents were born
in Denmark. Unfortunately, I cannot translate the card very well with
only a dictionary to go by.

The text of the card is as follows (where "o/" means the first letter
in the smallest Danish coin): "Hjertelig Lyko/nskning paa Fo/delsdagen"
(front of card); "Maa Held og Lykke fo/lge Igennem hvert et Aar og
Dagen blive fejret Som midt i Livets Vaar Med Solskin og Glaede og
Vennekredsen Stor" (inside card).

My translation, which very much resembles instructions for assembly of
Japanese toys: "Sincere congratulations on (your?) birthday; May luck
and fortune follow through every (?Aar?) and (your?) day stay
popular like in the middle of life spring with sunshine and gladden
and (your) large circle of friends." No, it doesn't make a bit of sense
to me either; can any Danish-speaker out there do better?

Regards, and thanks if you can do it, Paul Dolber @ DUMC