[net.tv.drwho] Kate O'Mara in "Mark of the Rani"

percus@acf4.UUCP (Allon G. Percus) (01/29/86)

Did Kate O'Mara, who played the Rani, also play Wrack in "Enlightenment"?
I seem to remember her face.

        |-----|             A. G. Percus
        |II II|      (ARPA) percus@acf4
        |II II|       (NYU) percus.acf4
        |II II|      (UUCP) ...{allegra!ihnp4!seismo}!cmcl2!acf4!percus
        |II II|

nyssa@abnji.UUCP (nyssa of traken) (01/31/86)

Kate O'Mara played the Rani.
Lynda Barron (no relation, I hope, to the singer in "The Gunfighters")
played Wrack.
James C. Armstrong, Jnr.	{ihnp4,cbosgd,akgua}!abnji!nyssa

"But Doctor, we're on that island!"
"Oh my word!"			who said them, what story?