dave@gitpyr.UUCP (David Corbin) (11/10/84)
Only 1 more week to Basketball starts here at Tech. (Two if you don't count exhibition games.) Does anyone have any idea what the pre-season polls look like? i *heard* that GaTech was ranked, but I don't know how accurate that is. David Corbin Georgia Institute of Technology Box 34034 Atlanta GA 30332 ...!{akgua,allegra,amd,hplabs,ihnp4,masscomp,ut-ngp}!gatech!gitpyr!dave ...!{rlgvax,sb1,uf-cgrl,unmvax,ut-sally}!gatech!gitpyr!dave
page@ucla-cs.UUCP (11/15/84)
Yes, Georgia Tech slipped in there at #20. Congratulations (especially since UNC was #21 and I went to Duke). For those of you who have not seen it yet, here is the AP to 20. 1. Georgetown(55 votes) 11. UNLV 2. Illinois(4) 12. Syracuse 3. DePaul(1) 13. N.C. State 4. Indiana(1) 14. Louisiana St. 5. Oklahoma 15. Virginia Tech. 6. Duke 16. Arkansas 7. St. John's 17. Louisville 8. Memphis St. 18. Kentucky 9. Washington 19. Kansas 10.So. Methodist 20. Georgia Tech