[net.sport.hoops] THE NBA IS NOT BORING!

michaelf@ISM780.UUCP (02/17/85)

               There has been a lot of bullshit about WHY the NBA 
      is so boring?  How can you be bored watching the world's 
      best athletes do what they do best?  Whoever said the NBA 
      is boring because the players never miss and at least in 
      baseball a fielder drops an occasional ball or a pitcher 
      throws four straight balls probably woke up that morning 
      with a couple of drinks.  NO NBA player is perfect.  The 
      only reason college basketball seems more exciting is 
      because of the crowd.  Check out a local high school game 
      if you want thrills and noise.  
	       There has been a lack of fundamentals? Sez who?
      If the players couldn't play, they wouldn't be in the NBA.
      Poor coaching? Again, the best coaches are in the NBA. Who
      cares if a player doesn't box out every play. Do you really
      go to the game to see boxing out? Tell me you watch the line
      line play in football, too. I will agree that fundamentals
      are very important, BUT, the most important thing in the game
      is to get the ball in the hoop more times than the other guy.
      BOTTOM LINE. If you had to choose between a Rambis type player
      who is quite sound on boxing out, setting picks, etc., or a
      player who can make things happen, who's it gonna be?

      The players are scoring more points than ever ( good for fans,
      remember, the reason John Q. Public doesn't watch hockey or
      soccer is because not much happens) and the teams are setting new
      records in terms of FG percentage. The NBA ---it's FANtastic.

      P.S. I think the NBA needs Al McGuire types in the booth, though.
	   The NBA commentators have as much flair as a two-handed set shot.