laser-lovers@uw-beaver (laser-lovers) (12/15/83)
From lbl-csam!ucbvax!ogcvax!inteloa!wilson@INTELOC.ARPA Thu Dec 8 23:41:41 1983 Resent-Date: 6 Dec 83 11:44:40 PST (Tue) To: ogcvax!lbl-csam!uw-beaver!laser-lovers Received: from ogcvax.uucp by tektronix ; 7 Dec 83 21:28:20 PST Subject: query for laser-lovers Resent-Message-Id: <8312061944.AA22134@INTELOC.UUCP> Message-Id: <8312061944.AA22134@INTELOC.UUCP> Received: by INTELOC.UUCP (3.320/3.14), id AA22134; 6 Dec 83 11:44:40 PST (Tue) Received: from INTELOC.UUCP (inteloc.ARPA) by inteloa.LOCAL.UUCP (3.320/3.14), id AA27427; 6 Dec 83 11:49:23 PST (Tue) ReSent-date: Thu 8 Dec 83 23:41:09-PST ReSent-from: Richard Furuta <Furuta@WASHINGTON.ARPA> ReSent-to: "Laser Lovers": ; [Please post this to laser-lovers. Thanks] Subject: Scribe/Versatec query We recently adapted VAX/Unix Scribe to produce output on the Versatec by using the GSI CAT-4/8 driver, translating the Vtroff character width tables to .GSF format, and making some modifications to Rvsort so it could deal with Scribe's notion of page breaks. I suspect that other sites out there have followed the same path rather than shell out $$ to Unilogic, and it is to them I address this question: have you taken the next logical step and upgraded Rvcat to 8-font operation? Would you be willing to pass your changes along? Thanks. Andy Wilson, Intel Co. (503) 681-4314 Mailstop JF1-2-108 2511 25th Dr. Hillsboro, OR 97123 Usenet: ...{tektronix!ogcvax,icalqa!omsvax}!inteloa!wilson