[fa.laser-lovers] troff for the 9700

laser-lovers@uw-beaver (laser-lovers) (02/07/84)

From lee@Rochester.ARPA Mon Feb  6 15:19:51 1984
The following company claims that they (will) have a product that
does troff for the 9700.
	Textware Intl.
	PO Box 14  Harvard Square
	Cambridge, MA 02238
Somehow they were able to take the 9700 internals class. I don't know
anything about them other than this.

laser-lovers@uw-beaver (laser-lovers) (02/07/84)

From bukys@Rochester.ARPA Tue Feb  7 12:51:56 1984
"Image Network", a subsidiary of "Greater Capital Corporation",
1633 Bayshore Highway, Suite 239,
Burlingame, CA 94010

claims to have a version of troff which runs with
Xerox 2700, QMS 1200, Xerox 8700 or Xerox 9700 laser printers,
or APS-5 or Compugraphic 8600 typesetters.

You can buy the software or you can send them your documents
and get hardcopy back.

This is all from a relatively old blurb;
I don't really know anything about the company.

laser-lovers@uw-beaver (laser-lovers) (02/08/84)

From bnevin@BBN-UNIX Tue Feb  7 13:22:20 1984
Textware International offers a typesetting service for UNIX/TROFF users who do
not have their own typesetting equipment.  Brent Byer of Textware International
has developed a front end for TROFF, named TPLUS, that talks to a variety of
output devices.  The aim of this package is the same as that of DITROFF,
namely, to enable users to produce either typeset output or pseudo-typeset
review copy on devices other than the CAT phototypesetter.  For example, Brent
has recently been developing a module of TPLUS that enables us to preview
TROFF output on a BBN BitGraph terminal.  (Unfortunately, market status and
availability of the BitGraph terminal are currently up in the air.)  Another
module is for Xerox laser printers--I am not certain which models.  He has had
some cooperation from Xerox, according to both him and the local Xerox rep,
Michelle Daigle.

I have used TPLUS on a Spinwriter, a VT100, and a BitGraph, and it has
performed well.  The problems have been with my understanding of TROFF, of
BBN's tmac.e macro package, and of the command options of TPLUS.  Here is the
UNIX-style "manual page" for the TPLUS package:

        TPLUS               *NIX Programmer's Manual                TPLUS

             tplus - troff post-processor for variety of devices

             tplus [ option ] ...  [ file ]

             Tplus processes the  named  file,  assumed  to  be  TROFF(1)
             output,  for  printing  on  a  variety  of  common  devices.
             Options are provided  to  take  advantage  of  the  targeted
             device's  features,  either for producing typeset output for
             publication, or, for previewing  the  eventual  phototypeset

             If no file argument is present, the standard input is  read.
             The options are:

             -ddefault  The  default  is  intended  to  be  a   nickname,
                        representing  a set of default initial conditions
                        in a configuration database.   A  record  labeled
                        default  is  sought  in  a file named `.tplusrc'.
                        When found,  associated  specifications  will  be
                        taken  for output device, scaling, font mappings,
                        device attributes, etc.  These  defaults  can  be
                        overridden,  or  amended,  using  specific  TPLUS
                        command options, below.

             -hN        Scale the placement of output horizontally  by  N

             -vN        Scale the placement of  output  vertically  by  N

             -nN        Produce   native   mode   output-within    words,
                        character  spacing is based on the actual widths,
                        not those used by TROFF.  If specified, N  limits
                        native  mode  to  output  of size N points; N may
                        also be a range of sizes, N-M.

             -olist     Output  only  those  pages  whose  page   numbers
                        (relative  1)  appear in the comma-separated list
                        of numbers and ranges.  A range N-M means pages N
                        through M; an initial -N means from the beginning
                        to page N; and a final N- means  from  N  to  the

             -sN        Stop every N pages.  TPLUS  will  halt  prior  to
                        every  N  pages  (default  N=1)  to  allow  paper
                        loading or changing.  After halting,  TPLUS  will
                        send  a bell to the terminal, and await a newline
                        before continuing.

             -cname     Process the commands in file  name.tpc;  therein,

        Textware International                 PO Box 14  Harvard Square
        Cambridge, Massachusetts  02238        Telephone  (617) UNI-TEXT

       TPLUS               *NIX Programmer's Manual                TPLUS

                       among  others,  will   be   substitute   commands
                       indicating the mapping of TROFF fonts to those of
                       the  targeted  output   device.    For   example,
                       targeting output for a daisy-wheel printer,
                            substitute | dsyps, UNDER | TI
                            substitute | dsyps, UNDER, RIBBON | TI, 140
                       requests that TROFF output in the italic typeface
                       (TI) be underlined, and, if the size is 14 points
                       or  greater,  it  is  to  be  printed   in   red.
                       Likewise,  all features of the output devices are

            -fname     Output will be placed in the named file;  default
                       is standard output.

            For publication-quality output on a daisy-wheel printer:
            $ troff ... | tplus -dpubdsy

            /usr/lib/tplus/.tplusrc      default configuration file
            /usr/lib/tplus/tpclib/*.tpc  command files
            /usr/lib/tplus/ddev         device driver modules
            /usr/lib/tplus/fdev/*.tpf   font files

       SEE ALSO
            Nroff/Troff User's Manual
            Tplus User's Manual

       Textware International                 PO Box 14  Harvard Square
       Cambridge, Massachusetts  02238        Telephone  (617) UNI-TEXT