laser-lovers@uw-beaver (laser-lovers) (06/12/84)
From: We have been using an Imagen Imprint-10 printer for about 10 months now. We average between 2000-4000 sheets of printing a month (usually closer to 2500). We have been coughing up $1500/quarter (soon to be $500/month) for Imagen maintenance. This seems like a stiff price to pay (considering the cost of the equipment and its failure rate to date, which has been low). My question is, for all you sites that have had an Imprint-10 for longer than we have, is the $6000 per year worth it? What is you experience with hardware failure after one year with the printer in terms of frequency of failure and cost of repair? If your usage was as low as ours would you recommend keeping the service contract or simply repairing as needed? We have a local company that is capable of performing routine PM and could even handle big problems if necessary, so we wouldn't have to pay to fly someone from Imagen out each time we needed repair work or PM. I will summarize any replies sent directly to me... Thanks, Alfred Correira Computer*Thought Corp. alfred.ct@csnet-relay (CSNET) ...{nbires,cornell,ut-sally,convex}!ctvax!alfred (UUCP)