laser-lovers@uw-beaver (laser-lovers) (08/09/84)
From: Jim Bratnober <hpbsla!> Regarding submitting fonts to the public domain to avoid theft: if this were the solution we all took to avoid theft of software, there would be no Microsoft, no VisiCorp, and so on. The solution is not to steal the stuff in the first place, and when theft occurs, the US should treat fonts in the same manner as Europe. That is, instead of just protecting the name of the font, protect the image of it as well. As electronic publishing matures, it becomes time for people to realize that theft (and subsequent resale! - let's not be too naive) of fonts is the same as pirating software, photocopying books for resale, and so on. In fact, when one views the amount of effort which goes into the design and implementation of a typeface, the value (to the font designer) is enormous. In response to the idea of submitting them to the public domain, I have to say no, this would only cause the development of new fonts, together with font design tools, to cease or at least be severly impaired. Jim Bratnober Hewlett Packard Boise Division