laser-lovers@uw-beaver (laser-lovers) (11/17/84)
From: tektronix!ogcvax!verdix! I am GLAD you let hplabs!kg speak his piece. I agree with you 100% that if people from the manufacturer of a laser printer wish to say something, let them talk (within reason). If you were to put a note at the beginning like "The following is from an employee of HP, the manufacturer of the LaserJet," I would not complain. I urge you to continue publishing what these people have to say (within reason). I, for one, am very interested. When someone from the manufacturer speaks out, I suspect everyone reads those words a little closer. If the reader has evidence to contradict the manufacturer, then this is usually brought to light (witness utzoo!henry's reply) because people love to do battle with the establishment. It is this kind of information flow that is exactly the reason why I read fa.laser-lovers. ========================================================================== I just got a glossy "spec-sheet" for a laser printer called "The Corona Laser Printer" marketed by Corona Data Systems, Inc. 1-800-621-6746 or 1-805-495-5800. This printer is based on the Canon print engine, so I won't go into those specs. The price quoted to me was $3395 w/ controller. The interface is listed as "IBM PC-compatible buss" (yes, buss). I would be interested in getting some information on this printer. In particular, what fonts are available? Can you download fonts to the printer? What sort of graphics mode does it support? etc. And, of course, has anyone seen any discounting of the price?
laser-lovers@uw-beaver (laser-lovers) (11/20/84)
From: tektronix!hplabs!hplabsc! hplabs!kg is NOT an employee of HP. He is a consultant for hplabs, but he, as ELAN, is his own master. ...!hplabs!faunt faunt%hplabs@csnet-relay I am an employee of HP, but HP is in no way responsible for what I say here.