[fa.laser-lovers] fonts for X9700

laser-lovers@uw-beaver (laser-lovers) (11/21/84)

From: Charles Hedrick <HEDRICK@RUTGERS.ARPA>
I recall someone asking about how to create fonts for the Xerox 9700.
Sorry for the delay in responding to that question.  We have a program
that can edit 9700 fonts.  We have not decoded every last bit in the
file, but the programs have let us do everything we have wanted to do.
I think we haven't tried it with proportional fonts yet, though. We have
used it to put selected Xerox fonts in a standard format (i.e. with all
the ASCII characters, and with the special characters always in the same
place), and also to prepare a math font.  The relevant files are on
s:<xerox> at Rutgers.  The most useful ones are
  - fonts.doc, general introduction
  - fntmak.doc and fntdmp.doc, documentation for the programs that
	manipulate fonts.  (source files are fntmak.pas and fntdmp.pas)
  - fntdir.doc and fnttap.doc, documentation for programs that do
	a directory of and read a Xerox font tape  (source: fntdir.pas,
  - *.fnt, our fonts
other files are described in fonts.doc.  Those of you with 9700's may
find other minor things of interest lying around in the directory.
All of it was obtained by decoding files from vendors other than Xerox,
although of course we have used the font editor to rearrange characters
in some of the standard Xerox fonts.

Note that the software uses a fairly horrible way of displaying
characters.  At the time we did this software we didn't have any
graphics terminals, so we had to do something that would work on
a normal ASCII terminal.
