laser-lovers@uw-beaver (02/06/85)
From: Mark Weiser <mark@tove> Since I have complained before in this space about one or another aspect of Imagen's products, I just wanted to stick a note in that I have been very pleased with their responsiveness to each and every problem we have had (and there have been not that many). I have never seen a company mobilize SO FAST to respond to problems. Recent case in point: our cpu box broke, Imagen Federal Expressed us a new one and we were back up in two days after breakage. So, Imagen, nice job. (Now if you could just fix that 12-point roman lower case i with the skewed dot...) -------------------------- Spoken: Mark Weiser ARPA: mark@maryland Phone: +1-301-454-7817 CSNet: mark@umcp-cs UUCP: {seismo,allegra}!umcp-cs!mark USPS: Computer Science Dept., University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742