[fa.laser-lovers] Doc. Workbench *roff

laser-lovers@uw-beaver (02/19/85)

From: Francie J Newbery <fjn@PURDUE.ARPA>

We have installed the Documentor's Workbench Device Independent 
Troff, and have been trying (so far unsuccessfully) to bring up
the version of nroff that comes with it.  The system we are
bringing these up on is a VAX 11/750 running 4.2 BSD UNIX
although nroff I think is designed for system V.  If anyone out there
has tried the same and been successful, I'd much appreciate
hearing from you.  The immediate problem I'm having is that
there is a structure called ttable which is not being initialized.
As a result, when it uses divides by fields of this structure 
(e.g. t.Newline) it gets a floating point exception.

Francie Newbery  (fjn@purdue, purdue!fjn)