[fa.laser-lovers] QMS 1200 printer status

laser-lovers@uw-beaver (02/20/85)

From: rna!dan@nyu.arpa (Dan Ts'o)

	Does anyone know the state of QMS's promise to outfit 1200's
with a second serial line for printer status inquires and reports ?
	Anyone have a decent way of keeping track of fonts and downtimes ?

					Dan Ts'o
					Dept. Neurobiology
					Rockefeller Univ.
					1230 York Ave.
					NY, NY 10021

laser-lovers@uw-beaver (02/21/85)

From: Bruce Nemnich <godot!bruce@cca-unix>

We have the beta-test firmware which gives one a "reverse channel"
serial line for communication from the printer to the host.  There is a
new QUIC ^INFO command for requesting various status information,
including available memory, whether a given font is downloaded, etc.

I have incorporated support for it in my DVI filter and it has worked
well during the two weeks I have had it.  

I presume the firmware will be released soon.
