[fa.laser-lovers] PostScript and Interpress: a comparison

laser-lovers@uw-beaver (03/02/85)

From: Brian Reid <reid@Glacier>

This essay offers a comparison of two modern schemes for controlling
what laser printers print. One scheme, called PostScript, is offered
by Adobe Systems, Inc.; the other scheme, called Interpress, is
offered by the Xerox Corporation. A discussion of these two schemes
has provoked a considerable amount of interest in this forum
recently.  I have for some time been promising (threatening?) to
provide my interpretation of the difference between the two systems.
It is long enough and detailed enough that you will certainly never
want to read another word on the topic after you read it, but given
the nature of computer mail systems you almost certainly will be
given the opportunity.


To a first order, PostScript and Interpress are indistinguishable.
What I mean by that is that by comparison with all other current
techniques for page image representation, the two can be considered to
be nearly identical. I believe that it is worth looking at how they got
to be that way; their similarities and differences can best be
understood with a proper historical perspective.

			Part I: History

The Evans and Sutherland Computer Corporation has for quite a number
of years sold very expensive, very powerful graphics devices for
CAD/CAM and for real-time simulation. The CAD/CAM machine is called
The Picture System; the simulation machines are custom-built for each
application. Custom simulation graphics machines are used for such
purposes as providing the windshield graphics for military flight
simulation systems--emulating what a pilot would see if he were
looking out the window of a real airplane. These graphics systems use
a very clever graphics model, developed by Ivan Sutherland and others,
which is based on coordinate system transformations and line

Although the Evans and Sutherland company is primarily in Salt Lake
City, they had a small research office in Mountain View (California)
in the early 1970's. John Warnock was in charge of it, and John
Gaffney worked for Warnock. One of the activities of the Mountain
View office was to develop software for producing 3-dimensional
graphical databases both for the Picture System and for the
simulation machines. Working with Warnock, Gaffney had by 1975
programmed and documented and released the first version of a
programming language that was called "The Evans and Sutherland Design

Gaffney came to E&S from graduate school at the University of
Illinois, where he had used the Burroughs B5500 and B6500 computers.
Their stack-oriented architectures made a big impression on him. He
combined the execution semantics of the Burroughs machines with the
evolving Evans and Sutherland imaging models, to produce the Design
System. Like all successful software systems, the Design System slowly
evolved as it was used, and many people contributed to that evolution.

John Warnock joined Xerox PARC in 1978 to work for Chuck Geschke.
There he teamed up with Martin Newell in producing an interpreted
graphics system called JAM. "JAM" stands for "John And Martin". JAM
had the same postfix execution semantics as Gaffney's Design System,
and was based on the Evans and Sutherland imaging model, but
augmented the E&S imaging model by providing a much more extensive
set of graphics primitives.  Like the later versions of the Design
System, JAM was "token based" rather than "command line based", which
means that the JAM interpreter reads a stream of input tokens and
processes each token completely before moving to the next. Newell and
Warnock implemented JAM on various Xerox workstations; by 1981 JAM
was available at Stanford on the Xerox Alto computers, where I first
saw it.

In the meantime, various people at Xerox were building a series of
experimental raster printers. The first of these was called XGP, the
Xerox Graphics Printer, and had a resolution of 192 dots to the inch.
Xerox made XGP's available to certain universities, and by 1972 they
were in use at Carnegie-Mellon, Stanford, MIT, Caltech, and the
University of Toronto.  Each of those organizations produced its own
hardware and software interfaces. The XGP is historically interesting
only because it is the first raster printer to gain substantial use by
computer scientists, and was the arena in which a lot of mistakes were
made and a lot of lessons learned.

To replace the XGP, Xerox PARC developed a new printer called EARS,
and then another newer printer called Dover. After the agony of
converting software from XGP to EARS, various Xerox people realized
that applications programs generating files for the XGP or for EARS
should not be tied to the device properties of the printer itself.
Bob Sproull and William Newman, of Xerox PARC, developed a relatively
device-independent page image description scheme, called "Press
format", which was used to instruct raster printers what to print.

As part of an extensive grant program to selected universities, Xerox
donated Dover printers and made documentation of the Press format
available under a nondisclosure agreement. As far as I know, that
nondisclosure agreement has never been lifted, though information about
Press format has been widely enough distributed that by 1982
researchers at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL) at
Lausanne had given conference papers about their own independent
implementation of Press format.

Press format was a smashing success; it revolutionized laser printing
technology in the academic and research communities, and stimulated a
large number of people to think about issues of device-independent
print graphics. Nevertheless, Press format had its limitations, and
various people felt the need to revise the basic design.

Sproull left Xerox in 1978 to become a professor of computer science
at CMU.  Newman returned home to England to become an independent
consultant. Martin Newell left Xerox to join Cadlinc Corp.
Warnock and Geschke remained at Xerox.

While at CMU, Sproull began making plans for a new version of Press
that would combine the graphics model of JAM with the page image
description properties of Press. Sproull returned to Xerox for a
sabbatical leave in 1982, and enlisted the help of Butler Lampson in
the creation of the new page image description language that Warnock
dubbed "Interpress". The name caught on.

While it is difficult to separate the contributions made by Sproull
and Lampson, it is not incorrect to say that Lampson and Warnock
produced the execution model of Interpress while Sproull and Warnock
produced the imaging model. It is also approximately correct to
characterize this first version of Interpress as being derived from
the graphics model and execution model of JAM with additional
protection and security mechanisms derived from experience with
programming languages like Euclid and Cedar, and a careful silence on
the issue of fonts. The trio worked under Geschke's direction, and
Geschke was responsible for refereeing disagreements and for making
certain that the resulting design was acceptable to the rest of Xerox.

My own involvement with the Interpress effort is difficult to explain.
Sproull was my thesis adviser at CMU; we had discussed many of the
issues in page description languages at length. As a consultant to
PARC during the Interpress design work, my primary activity was one of
writing or rewriting the Interpress materials. I also represented a
"consumer" point of view rather than a "designer" point of view,
and often complained about aspects of the evolving language. 

I feel uncomfortable discussing the issues involved in the transition
of Interpress from an artifact of the research lab to a marketable
product.  I shall therefore not discuss them. During this transition
phase Geschke and Warnock left PARC (December 1982) to start Adobe
Systems, Sproull returned to CMU (June 1983), and Lampson left PARC to
join DEC Research (November 1983).

Warnock had various philosophical differences with the final
Interpress design, and he voiced those differences to the rest of the
Interpress group at every opportunity.  At Adobe, Geschke and Warnock
saw the opportunity to try again, with a design group composed of
people who shared his ideology. They enlisted Doug Brotz, a Xerox
PARC researcher who had had no involvement with any of the
Press/JAM/Interpress world, to join them in developing a new page
description language named PostScript, based on combining the
execution model and imaging model of JAM with a protection structure
more reminiscent of C or the Unix shell than of Euclid or Cedar.
While not at all a copy of JAM, PostScript resembles JAM more than it
resembles Interpress.  PostScript also embraced various Unix notions,
such as the use of text streams to convey information.

On March 15, 1984, Adobe shipped its first PostScript manual to a
potential customer. That PostScript manual was printed on a PostScript
printer using a Times Roman font licensed from Allied corporation and
digitized by Adobe.

At that time all aspects of the Interpress project were still very
proprietary, and it appeared to me that Xerox had no interest in
releasing them. However, on April 25, 1984, I received a Xerox press
release announcing the availability of Interpress documentation. I
finally managed to get my hands on a copy of the Interpress
documentation in February of 1985, and was quite surprised to discover
that the Interpress documentation had not been printed on an Interpress
printer, but was instead printed on a Press format printer, using the
same Times-like and Helvetica-like fonts that I had become familiar
with at CMU and Stanford on the Dover printers.


			Part II: Comparison

Part I outlined the history of PostScript and of Interpress, as I have
been able to determine it. With that historical background, I now offer
a comparison of the two languages.

While there are quite a number of extant schemes for the description of
printed images, most of them are better described as "data structures" than
as "languages". In particular, only PostScript and Interpress are 
directly executable.

Languages can be compared at several different levels.  Languages have a
lexical representation, a syntax, a semantic model, an intended style of
usage, and implementation considerations.


The lexical properties of a language define the way the tokens of the
language are represented in terms of bits, bytes, or characters. The
FORTRAN language was defined in terms of a particular character set,
which the implementor was expected to use. The ALGOL language was
defined in terms of keywords and symbols, and the language definition
left the implementor free to choose how he would represent those
keywords in terms of characters available on his computer. For example,
the FORTRAN definition of a "DIMENSION" statement is that it is the
letter "D" followed by the letter "I" followed by the letter "M", etc.
The ALGOL definition of the "BEGIN" keyword was merely that it was a
keyword; the ALGOL standard document used boldface to identify
keywords. When ALGOL is implemented on computers whose character sets
include boldface, the implementors normally use the boldface characters
as a way of identifying keywords. When ALGOL is implemented on other
computers, the implementors choose other schemes for identifying
keywords, such as putting them in quotes or putting them in all capital

Both PostScript and Interpress have an operator called MOVETO, and in
both languages it does exactly the same thing, which is identical to
what the MOVETO operator did on the Evans and Sutherland hardware that
spawned this graphics model. Let's look at how that operator would be
represented in the two languages.

The PostScript language is defined in terms of characters, like
FORTRAN. The definition of the PostScript operator "MOVETO" is the
letter "M" followed by the letter "O" followed by the letter "V", etc.
The Interpress language is defined in terms of keywords; the definition
of the Interpress operator "MOVETO" is that it is a keyword in the
ALGOL sense. The Interpress 2.1 standard suggests that MOVETO can be
represented with the serial number 25 in a standard encoding that the
standard provides, but the definition of the MOVETO keyword is
independent of the choice of encoding.

Since PostScript is defined in terms of sequences of characters, it is
always possible to assume that a PostScript file can be transmitted
over any link capable of sending characters, and can be stored in any
device capable of holding characters. Since Interpress is defined more
abstractly, it is not necessarily possible to make any assumptions at
all about a particular Interpress file. However, any Interpress
encoding can be translated into any other Interpress encoding, so it is
always possible to take an Interpress file and translate it into a
stream of characters which will then have properties identical to
PostScript's. Conversely, it is always possible to translate a
PostScript program into a tokenized keyword form, though the PostScript
standard does not suggest any particular tokenization scheme.

It is worth mentioning that the word "token" is slightly overloaded
here.  A "tokenization scheme" is a means of doing data compression,
wherein a sequence of characters is called a "token" and is replaced by
a token number, which will occupy less space. However, a language can
have tokens without having a tokenization scheme. Both PostScript and
Interpress have an execution semantics that is defined in terms of
things called "tokens". The Interpress tokens are normally represented
by tokenization schemes--i.e.  replaced with integers--while the
PostScript tokens are normally left as sequences of characters. In
later sections of this message the word "token" will be used to mean
either the PostScript kind of token or the Interpress kind of token; by
the time they get to the interpreter they are roughly the same thing.

The Interpress 2.1 standard defines a particular encoding of
Interpress, and gives bit and byte formats, decimal integer operator
numbers, and so forth.  This encoding is a full binary encoding, using
all 8 bits of each byte, which means that it cannot always be sent
over a serial character link. The Interpress standard encoding of a
page description normally occupies a smaller number of bytes than the
equivalent PostScript character representation. This is possible
because binary encodings make more efficient use of the bits.

Interpress files are clearly intended to be transmitted via XNS
protocols over Ethernet. In its current form, without further
processing or re-encoding, Interpress is not suitable for transmission
over character-protocol lines. PostScript files are clearly intended
to be transmitted over character-protocol lines. Like all character
stream protocols, PostScript can also be transmitted over Ethernet,
but a PostScript file will use more bytes than the corresponding
Interpress file.

Text files such as PostScript sources are highly redundant (i.e. they
make inefficient use of their bits) and can be run through data
compression programs (such as the Unix "compact" program) to reduce the
amount of space they occupy in storage and during transfer. Data
compression techniques will probably not yield much further compression
of Interpress files, because the information is already quite tightly
packed. After compression of both, the PostScript and Interpress
representations of an image will likely occupy approximately the same
number of bits.


The syntactic issues (or issues of syntax, if you will) of a language
are the means by which an interpreter for the language distinguishes
variables from operators from constants from function calls from quoted
strings, and by which it determines whether or not a certain sequence
of characters or tokens is in fact a "legal" construct in the language.

As languages in general go, both PostScript and Interpress are
remarkably free of syntax. As token-oriented postfix languages, each
token of the language is "executed" as soon as it is identified, and
that execution will either succeed or fail depending on the state of
the execution environment at that point.

Nevertheless, both languages have a small amount of syntax, though they
differ radically in the nature and application of this syntax. In fact,
the primary area in which the PostScript language and the Interpress
language are incontrovertibly and irrevocably different is in their

As explained above (Lexical Issues) PostScript is defined in terms of
character sequences. A PostScript program is a series of character
tokens, separated by white space characters. That program is fed to an
interpreter to be executed; the interpreter reads in the characters and
assembles them into words (i.e. tokens), then looks up the tokens in
dictionaries to determine their meaning. In this regard PostScript is
similar to many other programming or command languages: if the
PostScript interpreter sees the command "MOVETO", it finds the current
definition of that string, and then performs whatever action is
requested in that definition.

By contrast, Interpress is defined in terms of byte codes, which behave
more like the instruction codes of a hardware interpreter than like a
traditional programming language. Instead of the letters "MOVETO", an
Interpress file will have a byte whose binary value is 25; the number
25 is then used to index an operation code table which directs the
interpreter to the program implementing the MOVETO operation.

The byte codes of Interpress can be viewed as a compiled form of the
character codes of PostScript. One could imagine a translator that
passed over a PostScript file, looked up each name, and produced an
output file whose contents was the binary identification of the thing
found during the lookup. In fact, the Interpress standard document
explains that the two forms are equivalent, and the Introduction to
Interpress document explains how to write a program to convert one to

There is, however, a crucial difference between the PostScript and
Interpress naming schemes that makes them very different, and makes
impossible the above-mentioned imagined compiler to translate
PostScript into Interpress. That difference is best understood as a
semantic difference, and will be explained in the next section.

Returning to syntactic issues, an Interpress file has what is called
"static structure" or "lexical structure". This means that you can
look at an Interpress file and make structural assumptions about what
you find there.  For example, an Interpress file is defined to be a
sequence of "bodies"; each body is a sequence of operators and
operands. The first body is the "preamble", or setup code; all
following bodies correspond to printed pages. If an Interpress file has
11 bodies, then it will print as 10 pages. 

By contrast, a PostScript file has no fixed lexical structure; it is
just a stream of tokens to be processed by the interpreter.  PostScript
prints a page whenever the SHOWPAGE operator is executed.  If a
PostScript file contains a loop from 1 to 10, with a SHOWPAGE operator
inside the loop, then it will print 10 pages even though there is only
one actual call to SHOWPAGE in the file. However, since PostScript is a
textual language, and since it has a "comment" facility like the C
/*....*/ or Pascal {...}, it is possible for the creator of a
PostScript file to represent whatever additional information is desired.
It is a slight misnomer to call this a comment facility, because the
normal use of the word "comment" in programming languages implies
that the contents of the comment are irrelevant. PostScript comments
are irrelevant in the sense that they do not affect the image produced
by a PostScript file, but they do convey machine-readable information
about the structure of the document.

A PostScript client is free to choose any structuring scheme that he
wants, and the tool that he has available to implement this
structuring scheme is the PostScript comment.  There is a particular
"standard" structuring convention documented along with PostScript
by which page boundaries and other lexical information can be marked.
A PostScript file that follows that convention is called a
"conforming" file, but it is a convention and not a rule; the
printed image produced by a nonconforming PostScript file will be
identical to that produced by the equivalent conforming PostScript
file. Conversely, the structure of a PostScript file, as represented
by the structuring convention, is completely independent of the
appearance of the page images--the actual PostScript text appears to be
a series of comments as far as the structuring systems are concerned.

The technique of mixing two different languages in one file, so that a
processor for one language sees the text of the other language as
comments, is not new. Perhaps the most widely-known instance of this
scheme is Don Knuth's "WEB" system, in which Pascal and TEX are
woven together in such a way that the Pascal program looks like a
comment to the TEX interpreter and the TEX  source looks like a
comment to the Pascal compiler.

This absence of fixed lexical structure in PostScript is a two-edged
sword. On the one hand, it offers more flexibility in creating page
images, especially repetitive ones; on the other hand, it provides more
opportunities to make mistakes.

One final syntactic issue is perhaps worth mentioning, though it could
also be considered a semantic issue. Interpress does not support
"variables" so much as it supports "registers", in the hardware sense.
All storage in Interpress is accessed by address and not by name. What
would be called a "local variable" in a programming language is
represented in Interpress by an integer subscript into the procedure's
frame. All programming languages must ultimately reduce their variable
names into memory locations; Interpress asks that this translation be
performed by the creator of the Interpress file and not by the
interpreter. An obvious benefit of this approach is efficiency--no
name lookups need be performed as the file is being printed. An
obvious drawback of this approach is the restricted name space
available to the programmer and the extra care that must be taken to
manage addresses instead of names. By contrast, PostScript supports
ordinary named variables.


Since both Interpress and Postscript derive their semantics from the
same source, it stands to reason that the semantics would be similar.
Both use similar graphical semantics, the same imaging model, and both
use very similar execution semantics. The differences are minor,
though one could imagine that the consequences of those differences
might be major.

There are two substantive differences between the graphical semantics
of PostScript and Interpress 2.1, namely that Interpress has no
facility for describing curves, and the Interpress standard is
completely silent on the issue of fonts.

A curve can of course be approximated with a series of line segments,
and if the line segments are short enough the resulting appearance
will be identical, but many classes of curved lines, such as those
appearing in fonts, can be described very succinctly in terms of the
PostScript CURVETO operator while requiring a tedious collection of
short line segments to describe in Interpress.  Because of the
importance of fonts to printed images, this seemingly minor omission
could possibly have major consequences.

On the issue of fonts, the Interpress standard states only that a font
is an operator that will be executed for you when appropriate, and
that the operators for that font are defined "in the Environment". A
PostScript font is just an ordinary PostScript defined operator, and
the PostScript manual gives explicit instructions for creating
user-defined fonts and making those font definitions be part of a
PostScript file. One could imagine that it is possible to write an
Interpress composed operator (in Interpress, of course) to behave like
a user-defined font, but the Interpress implementations do not
currently have any mechanism for recognizing that an operator is in
fact a user-defined font and should therefore receive any kind of
special treatment. This is not a deficiency in Interpress, just a
silence, accompanied by a deficiency in current implementations (this
and other implementation issues are discussed in the last section).

There are three consequential differences between PostScript execution
semantics and Interpress execution semantics: user-defined operators,
the nature of the "firewalls" between pieces of the program, and
error recovery.

In Interpress, a user-defined operator is syntactically different from an
intrinsic operator, and requires an explicit "DO" operator to call it.
In PostScript a user-defined operator is syntactically identical to an
intrinsic operator, and in fact any intrinsic operation can be
redefined by simply making a new entry for that operator's name in the
appropriate dictionary. This is stylistically similar to the difference
in lexical structure: Interpress guarantees that if a byte code 25--the
MOVETO operator--is found in a file, that it will when executed perform
a standard MOVETO. PostScript guarantees nothing because it enforces
nothing. If you want to redefine the meaning of MOVETO, then you can do
so, and when the characters "M O V E T O" are found in a PostScript
file, the redefined operator will be executed instead. To execute a
PostScript user-defined operator you just include its name, the same
way you execute any other operator. To execute an Interpress
user-defined operator, you execute the DO operator (or a variation of
it), after pushing onto the stack the thing that you want to execute.

Analogously with the static structural issues, The PostScript
user-defined-operator scheme offers more flexibility than Interpress
but carries with it more dangers. Like the old saw about giving one
enough rope to hang himself, the additional flexibility of the
PostScript scheme requires discipline on the part of the user.
Furthermore, just as PostScript has a convention for the voluntary
inclusion of static structure in a file, it has a mechanism by which a
PostScript program can reference the true built-in version of an
operator and not the current, possibly user-redefined, version of an
operator. From the point of view of language design, this scheme is
not terribly elegant, but it is quite practical, as it provides a
mechanism for the solution of all of the problems associated with
operator redefinition and the prevention thereof.

It is this ability to redefine builtin operators that makes the
compilation of a textual Postscript file into an encoded Interpress
file (mentioned above under Syntax) impossible. A static analysis
cannot determine the operator that will be executed when the textual
token is interpreted. By contrast, it is easy to translate Interpress
into PostScript, because all of Interpress' semantic capabilities
have direct equivalents in PostScript, and the lexical translation is

Interpress has a distinction between "bodies" and "operators". A
"body" is a sequence of Interpress tokens. The Interpress operator
"MAKESIMPLECO" (make simple composed operator) translates a body into
an operator. Like all other Interpress operators that reference
bodies--referred to in the Interpress standard as "body
operators"--the MAKESIMPLECO operator is prefix and not postfix.
This was done to make it easier for small computers to implement
Interpress interpreters; it has the interesting side-effect of making
it impossible for an Interpress program to generate and then execute
a piece of Interpress source code. I would guess that the entire
reason for the distinction between Interpress bodies and operators is
to enable a clean prefix implementation of body operators while at
the same time permitting the more conventional postfix use of
expressions of type "operator".

By contrast, PostScript represents operator bodies as arrays of
PostScript tokens. The PostScript lexical scanner processes a body by
building an array out of the tokens that it finds in the input
stream; that body is then handled as an ordinary data value in the
language, and it can be stored into variables, executed, modified,
searched or searched for, etc. The translation of a body into
something like an Interpress operator consists merely of returning
the address where the body is stored; that can be handled by the
PostScript type system and does not require a special conversion
operator. Consequently, a PostScript program is able to generate an
array of PostScript operators, however it so chooses, and then
declare that array to be a new PostScript operator and have it be
executed just like any other PostScript operator.

The second important semantic difference between PostScript and
Interpress is the set of mechanisms that they offer for protecting one
piece of the file from side effects in another. As you might be able to
guess if you have read this far, the Interpress protection mechanism is
static and mandatory while the PostScript protection mechanism is
dynamic and optional. This kind of mechanism is often referred to as a

An Interpress file consists of a series of bodies. Each body is
executed completely independently of each other body. In particular, at
the beginning of each page body, the execution environment is restored
to the state that it had at the end of execution of the preamble, so
that each page body is executed as if it were the only page in the
document. There is absolutely nothing that the code in one Interpress
page can do that will have any effect on the execution of the code in
any other Interpress page, and the Interpress language guarantees that
independence. This permits, for example, the pages to be executed or
printed in any order, front to back or back to front, or in folios of
16 pages at a time, with complete confidence that the appearance 
of the pages will not change.

By contrast, a PostScript file has no static structure, so there is no
convenient place to build automatic firewalls. PostScript provides,
instead, two pairs of operators by which a PostScript user can build
his own firewalls wherever he wants them. There is an operator called
SAVE, and another operator called RESTORE. The RESTORE operator
restores the execution state of the machine back to what it was when
the last SAVE operator was executed. Thus, if a PostScript user wants
to have pages that are firewalled against each other, then he puts a
SAVE operator at the beginning of the page and a RESTORE operator at
the end of the page. If the PostScript user wants to play tricks, and
build PostScript files that do bizarre things with the execution state
between pages, he is free to do so by leaving out the SAVE and RESTORE.

By now you can probably see the fundamental philosophical difference
between PostScript and Interpress. Interpress takes the stance that the
language system must guarantee certain useful properties, while
PostScript takes the stance that the language system must provide the
user with the means to achieve those properties if he wants them. With
very few exceptions, both languages provide the same facilities, but in
Interpress the protection mechanisms are mandatory and in PostScript
they are optional. Debates over the relative merits of mandatory and
optional protection systems have raged for years not only in the
programming language community but also among owners of motorcycle
helmets. While the Interpress language mandates a particular
organization, the PostScript language provides the tools (structuring
conventions and SAVE/RESTORE) to duplicate that organization exactly,
with all of the attendant benefits. However, the PostScript user need
not employ those tools.

Before taking a stand on this issue, you must remember that neither
Interpress nor PostScript is engineered to be a general-purpose
programming language, but rather to be a scheme for the description of
page images, so it is not necessarily valid to apply programming
language lore to these two systems.

The third area in which there are significant semantic differences
between PostScript and Interpress is in error handling and error
recovery. The Interpress 2.1 standard is slightly vague as to what
happens when various error conditions occur; one assumes that the
implementors of Interpress printers will do something reasonable. The
PostScript language provides a user-extensible error-recovery mechanism
that is keyed on PostScript's ability to redefine intrinsic operators.
Whenever an error of any kind occurs in PostScript, be it the printer
out of paper, the file asking for a font that doesn't exist, or a
division by zero, the PostScript interpreter responds by executing an
"error operator". If the error operator has not been redefined, then
some standard action is taken; sometimes the standard action is to do
nothing, while sometimes the standard action is to abort or to retry.
The standard action is merely the execution of the error operator.

The Interpress documentation does not offer much explanation, one way
or another, of error handling. The Interpress standard describes
certain kinds of error conditions that can occur, such as "appearance
error" or "master error", but does not specify exactly what will
happen if those errors occur. I assume that the reason the standard
is vague is to provide leeway to the implementors in error handling.
The Interpress language standard does not describe any technique by
which an Interpress master can control or modify the error recovery

When a PostScript error occurs, an error operator is executed.  There
is a set of built-in error operators provided as part of PostScript,
and documented like all other operators.  If a PostScript user wants
to change the error handling of a PostScript printer, he simply
changes the dictionary entry for the relevant error operator.
Depending on the relative position of that redefinition with respect
to SAVE and RESTORE operators in the PostScript file, the
redefinition will have a certain lifetime.  A SAVE and RESTORE pair
is wrapped around each separate file printed by a PostScript printer,
so that the redefinition does not carry over to other jobs. The
manager of an installation can change the overall default of the
printer by sending it a redefinition, during printer startup, before
entering the SAVE/RESTORE loop around each print job.

Like so much of PostScript's flexibility, the ability to redefine
operators is a two-edged sword. Redefining an operator can be used to
advantage by clever and knowledgeable users, and it can be used as a
technique for fixing bugs in a PostScript implementation. For
example, if an accounting package were not provided as part of a
PostScript implementation, the owners of a PostScript printer could
add page accounting to their printer by downloading a redefinition of
the SHOWPAGE operator that kept accounting information. However, a
user might be able to disable that accounting by doing yet another
redefinition that disabled the installation's accounting. To
circumvent this class of problem, PostScript provides a mechanism for
declaring certain objects to be read-only, or execute-only. The
management of a shared PostScript printer can specify that part of
its power-up or restart sequence is to load a configuration file;
that configuration file can redefine certain operators--for the
purpose of bug fixing or accounting or any other reason--and then, if
desired, mark the redefined operators read-only so that they cannot
be further redefined. As a language mechanism this is very clumsy,
but as an operational technique it is effective.


The implementation considerations are the most difficult to review and
compare, because it is next to impossible to determine the reason for
some annoying property of an implementation; it is also not entirely
proper to criticize a language for the state of its implementation.
Nevertheless, the history of programming languages has repeatedly shown
that good implementations of languages have longer-lasting impact than
good designs. For example, I quite commonly encounter people who choose
to run VMS on their Vax systems instead of Unix and who offer the
explanation that they do this because the VMS implementation of Fortran
is so good that their programs will run a lot faster. Naturally, other
people have other reasons; this is just an example.

The Interpress documentation is peppered with "fine print" explaining
the possible limitations of various possible Interpress printers, and a
chapter of the Interpress standard is devoted to a discussion of the
various ways to subset Interpress so that stripped-down versions of the
language can be implemented. Indeed, as of today (March 1, 1985) I am
not aware of the existence of any printer that implements the full
Interpress 2.1 language defined in the standard. Certainly none is
offered now as a product, and if one has been announced the
announcement has not yet reached me. The Xerox 8044 "Star" printer and
the 5700 and 2700 printers all implement various subsets of Interpress.
Perhaps there are others. The only one of these that I have used to any
extent is the 8044. It implements a textual subset of Interpress, with
the capability of a certain amount of line graphics, and has some
unknown capacity for more sophisticated graphics. It does not implement
very many of the features that distinguish Interpress from the older
Press format, and in fact has some surprising limitations. For
example, Interpress provides the ability to get rounded ends on line
segments. The 8044 implementation of Interpress that I experimented
with faked the circular arcs with sections of a 9-sided polygon. The
Interpress standard promises the ability to rotate the coordinate
system through arbitrary angles; all of the existing implementations
of Interpress limit coordinate system rotations to multiples of 90

Xerox quite likely has been developing true Interpress printers,
which implement the full documented language, but none has been
demonstrated or announced.

By contrast, the PostScript documentation makes no mention of any
subset, or of any implementation restrictions.  The entire PostScript
language was fully implemented before any PostScript documentation
was distributed or any printers shipped.  There are four PostScript
printers announced and demonstrated by three OEM vendors: the Apple
LaserWriter (300 dots/inch) the QMS 1200A (300 dots/inch), the
Mergenthaler P300 phototypesetter (2540, 1270, or 635 dots/inch), and
the Mergenthaler P101 phototypesetter (1270 or 635 dots/inch). The
Apple printer has been shipped to customers, the QMS printers are in
Beta test, and the Mergenthaler machines will be shipped to
customers by Fall of 1985.

All implementations of PostScript printers can print any PostScript
file, with no restrictions save the availability of fonts as licensed
to that manufacturer.  Circles come out as circles.  A PostScript
file that has been proof-printed on an Apple LaserWriter can be
typeset on a Mergenthaler P101 without making any changes to the
file. Naturally all device-independent page representation schemes
have this ability as their goal, and many claim to be able to do it,
or claim that they could do it if they had all of the necessary fonts
available in all of the requisite sizes.  The current set of
PostScript printers actually do it.

Given that Xerox has been working on Interpress for about twice as
long as Adobe has been working on PostScript, and many of the
graphics techniques necessary for the implementation are copiously
described in the open literature, I find it surprising that there are
no true Interpress printers on the market. I am puzzled by this, and
as a student of programming languages I am very interested in
learning whether or not there are any properties of the Interpress
language itself that are somehow contributing to this difficulty, or
whether this is just the usual sluggishness that one expects from all
large companies.

Brian Reid				Reid@SU-Glacier.ARPA
Computer Systems Laboratory		decwrl!glacier!reid
Stanford University			415/323-6100