[fa.laser-lovers] "public domain" fonts

laser-lovers@uw-beaver (04/09/85)

From: Les Earnest <LES@SU-AI.ARPA>

Responding to Brian Reid's remarks about the so-called "Berkeley VFonts"
I would caution anyone against using those fonts for anything but local
hackery.  As was made clear in the old *Find-a-Font* catelog, none of
those fonts can reasonably be regarded as being in the public domain.
While most of them are not beautiful, they are nearly all stolen.

Having seen a number of the Stanford fonts in use in computer hardware
exhibits at various shows, I have made a few feeble attempts at interesting
the Stanford administration in chasing the bad guys.  It is clear that
they are interested only if there is a visible, significant financial incentive.

Two font families in the collection were ripped off from Xerox, though
they have shown little interest in the matter so far.  Another rather good
looking font family in the "Berkeley" collection was stolen from an
international font licensing corporation that only recently was made
aware of the situation.  They may take a less relaxed view of the matter.

In summary, proceed with caution.