[fa.laser-lovers] Postscript support for TeX

laser-lovers@uw-beaver (04/09/85)

From: sasaki@harvard.ARPA (Marty Sasaki)

During the flurry of messages announcing/reviewing the Apple LaserWriter
it was mentioned that someone was working on a Postscript processor for
TeX.  Does anyone have any more information about such a thing?

	Marty Sasaki (sasaki@harvard)

laser-lovers@uw-beaver (04/09/85)

From: David Fuchs <DRF@SU-SCORE.ARPA>

I know that Textset has a DVI->Postscript program running (see the new
issue of TUGboat for a sample page).  There may be other efforts that I'm
not aware of yet.  One mode of operation uses Adobe's Helvetica and Times
for the text and Computer Modern for the math, with quite nice results.
Pulling in whiz-bang Postscript graphics with TeX's "\special" command
lets you mix text and graphics pretty freely.  Very exciting.	-david