[fa.laser-lovers] QMS and Imagen drivers for TeX

laser-lovers@uw-beaver (04/10/85)

From: Daniel B Dobkin <NYU.DBD@CU20B.ARPA>

Does anyone have (public domain) DVI drivers for the QMS or Imagen
printers?  Likewise spooling software?  I know there are some for Unix,
but I need them for TOPS-20 -- has anyone written the appropriate WEB


					Daniel B Dobkin
					New York University

laser-lovers@uw-beaver (04/13/85)

From: Van Jacobson <van@lbl-csam>

A public domain QMS driver written in WEB and modeled on dvitype is
available via anonymous ftp from host lbl-rtsg.  The source is file
dvi2qms.web.  File dvi2qms.ch is a WEB change file to produce a Vax/VMS
version of dvi2qms.  Using dvi2qms.ch & a dvitype.ch appropriate to your
system, it should take less than a day to produce a change file to adapt
dvi2qms to your system.  If you do a change file and would like to make
it available, mail a copy to Jane Colman (jane@lbl-rtsg.arpa) and we'll
add it to our distribution.

The software was written by Jane Colman of Lawrence Berkeley
Laboratory.  It may be freely modified and redistributed but we ask
that some credit to LBL remain in the source (a group at Dartmouth took
the program & carefully removed all mention of Jane or LBL.  We thought
this was rather rude, to say the least).

 - Van Jacobson (van@lbl-csam.arpa)