laser-lovers@uw-beaver (04/14/85)
From: bruce@Think (Bruce Nemnich) We have had our LaserWriter for about 10 days now. We have been having problems getting things to work right from MacWrite through AppleTalk. Printing one-page documents usually works, though the document page is preceeded by a sheet with cloudy grey horizontal bands about 3 inches high near the top and the bottom of the page. I shall refer to this as a "grey sheet." Perhaps this is an ill-fated attempt to generate a header sheet. There is no text on the grey sheet. Printing multi-page documents specifying ALL for the page range usually results in a grey sheet, and a number of completely white sheets corresponding to the number of pages in the document. Printing multi-page documents specifying a subrange of pages usually works; there is a grey sheet at the beginning and sometimes between pages. The printer works fine when driven by TranScript. We have tried different copies of MacWrite and differend Macs. Has anyone seen anything like this? --bruce