[fa.laser-lovers] Character spacing

laser-lovers@uw-beaver (04/30/85)

From: Les Earnest <LES@SU-AI.ARPA>

Responding to Ed Tafts's Apr. 27 message, I agree that "there is no single
`correct' approach to character scaling and spacing" but some approaches
are better than others.  Straight geometric scaling, which is the P*stscrpt
default, is the simplest to program but the rounding errors produce variable
intercharacter spacing.  That is why P*stscrpt print samples show a given
pair of characters properly spaced in some places and running into each other
in other parts of the page.

Given Mr. Taft's statement that Adobe can also do "typographic" spacing, I
look forward to seeing some print samples that exhibit this property.

peter gross's message of the same day says that "I can vouch that the
Imagen also does not do inter-character spacing right either".  I would
point out that the Imagen also doesn't do it wrong -- it just does what it
is told.  Mr. gross is using Computer Modern fonts, courtesy of a fellow
down the hall named Don Knuth.  Some people like CM fonts; most
typographers don't; in any case the credit/blame belongs to Prof. Knuth.

Imagen *can* take the credit/blame for some new fonts that are being
released for their 8/300, 12/300, and 24/300 printing systems, including
Lucida*, Helvetica*, and Times Roman* (the latter two in beta test only).

	Les Earnest
	Stanford A.I. Lab.
	(& Imagen shareholder)

* Footnote: Lucida is a trademark of Bigelow & Holmes.
	    Helvetica and Times Roman are trademarks of Allied Corporation.

laser-lovers@uw-beaver (04/30/85)

From: David Fuchs <DRF@SU-SCORE.ARPA>

	Excuse me Les, but Imagen is VERY MUCH TO BLAME for continuing
to distribute versions of CM that are MANY YEARS OLD in spite of the
fact that they have had access to improved versions that have been
available to them for MORE THAN TWO YEARS.  The CM faces are currently
undergoing another round of re-design; I'm sure there will be grumps
enough about our best efforts that it's very annoying to have to fend
off criticisms of the ANCIENT, OBSOLETE, SUPERCEEDED stuff Imagen is
sending around with our name on it.
