[fa.laser-lovers] Computer Evermore Modern

laser-lovers@uw-beaver (04/30/85)

From: Les Earnest <LES@SU-AI.ARPA>

In reply to David Fuch's flame, keeping up with the most modern version of
Computer Modern is not necessarily a sensible thing to do.  CM has gone
through a number of changes and is evolving still.  It will not stop
changing until either Don Knuth decides that he has gotten it "right" or
gets tired of this business.  Rumors have it that the latter event is
fast approaching.

Changes in font designs are moderately awful to implement in commercial
systems:  it is necessary to coordinate the distribution of both the new
fonts and the host software that uses font width information.  Thereafter, 
any customer inquiries involving fonts must be tracked to determine which
font version they are using.  (No, you can't count on everyone updating --
some will decline).

Whenever the absolutely final, definitive version of Computer Modern
emerges from the TeXnocrats, I expect that Imagen and others will give
serious consideration to updating.  Until then it seems foolish to chase
a moving target.

	Les Earnest

laser-lovers@uw-beaver (04/30/85)

From: David Fuchs <DRF@SU-SCORE.ARPA>

Sorry Les, but your ignorance of the facts is showing.  The "moving
target" you refer to has not budged ONE PIXEL in two whole years.
When Prof. Knuth finished the "AM" release two years ago, we made it
quite clear that it would be stable for a few years while TeX was
finished off and the new Metafont redeveloped from scratch.  And
that's exactly what's happened.  It will be another 6 months before
the new "CM" release will be ready for general consumption.  So that
will make a total of 30 months during which time a variety of updated
software and hardware has appeared from Imagen, while I sat by and
answered the phone trying to explain to disgruntled Imagen customers
why they had to buy a TeX font tape from Stanford even though Imagen
sent them fonts that they were told was up-to-date.  In retrospect,
maybe I should have forwarded all those calls to you, Les, so that by
now you'd have a complete appreciation of the reality of the situation.
p.s. The possessive of "Fuchs" is "Fuchs'", not "Fuch's".

laser-lovers@uw-beaver (04/30/85)

From: Les Earnest <LES@SU-AI.ARPA>

Responding to David Fuchs'' April 30 message, it is clear that David does
not understand the field support issue, doubtless because of his lack of
experience.  I have no objection to his trying to sell the latest version
of the CM fonts to all who call, but do not apologize for failing to be
utterly modern.

To David:  I suggest that we take this silly argument offline.  I am just
two doors down the hall, remember?

	Les Earnest