[fa.laser-lovers] LaserWriter Character Spacing

laser-lovers@uw-beaver (05/17/85)


	From The Seybold Report on Publishing Systems, May 13, 1985:

	...we think we are finally beginning to understand the
	variations in LaserWriter output quality we have seen.
	We think the biggest problem with much of the output is
	not the shape of characters themselves but uneven char-
	acter spacing.  The culprit is MacWrite.  MacWrite keeps
	track of character spacing in terms of the screen
	position.  It then tries to replicate this on the Laser-
	Writer.  The result is poor character spacing and
	incorrect line lengths.

	This was in a companion article to one about "Business
Fortnightly," a newspaper whose publisher is using Macintoshes and a
LaserWriter for typesetting.
	It would seem that the software that generates the PostScript
data stream for the printer is an important variable in the output
quality equation.