laser-lovers@uw-beaver (05/21/85)
From: Les Earnest <LES@SU-AI.ARPA> This is getting a bit far off the topic, but it has come to my attention that I misidentified the person who spotted to stolen SAIL terminal. The eagle-eye was Paul Martin, currently of the SRI AI group. Mentioning Paul reminds me of a font that he created for the XGP a decade ago and the fact that the world needs more of them. I am talking about typographic jokes. No, not fonts that were intended to look good but turned out to be jokes. I mean intentionally funny. Paul created a font called "Ransom" that simulated the output of a very beat-up mechanical typewriter, complete with things like a filled-in "a" and a cockeyed "e". He explained that it was for use in preparing ransom notes. I had a lot of fun with it during the early period at Imagen when companies asked us for print samples. Cheers, Les Earnest