[fa.laser-lovers] Tick tock

laser-lovers@uw-beaver (05/23/85)

From: Les Earnest <LES@SU-AI.ARPA>

[In reply to message sent 22 May 85 16:17:36 CDT.]

Your theory about Brian Reid's inability to make his printer work is not
as far-fetched as it may sound.  A week and a half ago Brian generously
offered, and I requested, print samples from his wonderful Scribe-
Laserwriter system.  So far I have received nothing.  If anyone else
out there been more fortunate I will be interested to hear.

I did receive one print sample from Brian a couple of months ago, the CI
form (a very clever pseudo-IRS form for listing "Income from Academic
Conflict of Interest.")  I gave mine to a friend at the University of
Minnesota who said he needed it, so I no longer have a copy.  I'm not sure
why Brian found it expedient to create that form.

It is a curious fact that the best-looking Laserwriter print sample that
I have seen to date came from Imagen.  If you are having trouble making
it work, Brian, perhaps they can give you a hand.

	Les Earnest