laser-lovers@uw-beaver (08/10/85)
From: An article in the August '85 issue of "Mini-Micro Systems" titled "Image Processing Enhances Laser Printing", by David Buchanan of Imagen Corp., describes a couple of things from Imagen that I had not heard of before. One, described with some detail, is a new image processor named the ImageStation. Basically, this sounds like a single-board version of their old IMPRINT engines (now named ImageServers, apparently). The other is DDL, which is only mentioned in passing. DDL is called a document description language in the article, and compared to Interpress. DDL is contrasted to page description languages, naming PostScript, imPRESS, and QUIC as examples. Sounds like new flames for the typesetting language wars! Anyone have any further info on these? I haven't seen ads, leaflets, or any other mention of these new things from Imagen elsewhere. -- Rex