laser-lovers@uw-beaver (08/30/85)
From: ihnp4!masscomp! This doesn't have to do with laser printing, but I think laser-lovers is the proper target audience for this note. I'm looking for good CRT fonts in various sizes. I'm primarily interested in fixed width fonts that are designed to look good on CRT's. I've seen the Adobe font catalog, which lists many of its printer fonts with CRT counterparts which are intended to be used for previewing your printer output. The primary design consideration for these CRT counterparts is faithful reproduction of spacing on the output device, so what you see is what you will get. Aesthetics don't seem to be as important, since they're just preview fonts anyway. Also, most of these fonts are variable width, which is fine for Adobe's application, but not normal for typical CRT output of ASCII text files. The only constant width fonts that Adobe was selling (as I recall), were the usual typewriter-style fonts, and I don't think the serifs, diagonal lines, and curved lines translate to the CRT too well. Let's assume 75 pixels per inch, and I want characters up to an inch high. Is there anyone out there selling fonts in various sizes that are tuned for 75 pixels per inch? Andy Tannenbaum Masscomp Westford, MA (617) 692-6200 x2274