kaiser@jaws.DEC (Pete Kaiser, HLO2-1/N10 225-5441) (04/28/85)
I can't be sure, but I suspect I'm the one who started the recent round of net traffic on seat belts. It was innocently intended, I assure you. In case you have any interest in history, here's the original posting, which went only to net.kids. =============================================================================== Subj: Your children's heritage Today's main event was when my car skidded on an icy patch of Route 117 and rolled over as I was on my way to work. Why do I mention this? Because I'm alive and unharmed. If you love your children, wear your seatbelt. Your children's most important heritage is YOU. Alive and unharmed. ---Pete Kaiser%JAWS.DEC@decwrl.arpa, Kaiser%BELKER.DEC@decwrl.arpa {allegra|decvax|ihnp4|ucbvax}!decwrl!dec-rhea!dec-jaws!kaiser DEC, 77 Reed Road (HLO2-1/N10), Hudson MA 01749 617/568-5441