arndt@lymph.DEC (05/10/85)
Re. kids kicking and pushing you around in bed. I claim to be a bit of an authority on the subject as I sleep in a family bed. There are three kids, 7,4,and 2 all in there with us. Actually it's two beds pushed together. Some of the little buggers simply think that they own the whole place. The cure. WHACK 'EM ONE. Now before I get a ton of hate mail let me explain. I have been kicked in the face, drooled on, cranked at and generally pushed all over the lot in bed - and then there's the kids! I happen to like a little arm or leg hanging over me or a little warm snuggie or wet kiss from time to time. But when someone has been up too late or had a very busy day we often get restless tossing and kicking, etc. The type of stuff that makes for upset - everyone gets to turning and cranking. I find that a little whack - words are useless - on the offending leg, etc quickly gets it to withdraw to a neutral corner. Now, please, not a hard whack or one with shouting and such. Just a tap that says 'knock it off please'. The kid is usually half asleep anyway and he/she will move to a more comfortablepossition just like you would. One gets to be an expert at telling if the tossing is because someone forgot to visit the bathroom before bed or if it is a dream or just their mother's genes. Sometimes a little one needs to be helped out of feelings just like you or I. A little back rub, drink of water, a little toss out of bed till they ask to be let back in. But stand up for your rights! You deserve a small amount of sleeping space! Don't confuse snuggles with pushing. One is good and the other is a character flaw. I always make them get in first and then push over to the cold spot. I ignore requests to explain why they have to give up the warm spot. After all, some things should just be, eh? Maintain the mystery of parenthood. Alternate techniques: pinching, a pillow between you, make them a place on the floor beside the bed and waft them over to it when they fall asleep. I haven't lived with any real kickers or midnight road runners so perhaps my advise is of a limited use if you do. Regards, Ken Arndt