[net.kids] Cyclamates, Sacharine, Carcinogenicity Studies.

werner@aecom.UUCP (Craig Werner) (08/02/85)

> Perhaps a product which is a mixture of cyclamates and some weak poison
> could be approved.  The purpose of the poison would be to inhibit cancerous
> growths by gigadoses of the material as was done with saccahrin and/or
> cycalamates.

	Cyclamates does not cause cancer by itself. It's mechanism elucidated
just recently, is to increase the carcinogenicty of other carcinogens.  The
above is exactly the WRONG thing to do.  Incidentally, Cyclamates were banned
on the basis of the saccharin/cyclamates mixture, while saccharin alone had
no correlation.  Cyclamates could have just enhanced a Saccharin effect that 
was otherwise undectable. (As far as I'm concerned, go ahead - ban sacharine -
it's aftertaste tastes damaging to your health.)

>              No study has ever found a siginificant correlation between
> consumption of aritficial sweeteners and any form of cancer.

	The canadian study that found an increased link of certain forms of
bladder cancer in young males (not females) of certain strains of rats 
(not mice or hamsters) was responsible for the FDA attempting to ban 
Saccharine.  You mean 'Human Studies', I suppose.

				Craig Werner
		"The world is just a straight man for you sometimes"