[net.kids] Childbirth Survey

joan@ISM780.UUCP (09/20/85)

     I'm curious as to what kinds of birth experiences us
  netters have had.  All interested parties please answer
  this survey and MAIL results to one of these addresses:


     Send entries in for as many birth experiences as you
  wish (just make sure no one else in your family is
  duplicating the entry).  I'll collect responses for a
  while (how long is while? i don't know.) and then post
  some kind of a summary.



1) When was the birth (what year)?  (This question is optional if
       you don't want to tell your current age)

2) How old were you at the time?

3) Was this your first child?

4) Boy or Girl?

5) In general, how would describe the whole experience?

 Fantastic __
 Good __
 Neutral __
 Bad __
 Rotten __



1) How often did you visit your practitioner:

 Early in pregnancy?
 Late in pregnancy?

2) Did you take any childbirth/labor classes?

3) Did you do any special exercises?

4) Did you go on a special diet (what kind)?



1) Where was the baby born?

 Hospital __
 Birthing Center __
 Home __
 Other (please specify)

2) Who attended you during labor?

 Doctor __
 Nurse-midwife __
 Lay midwife __
 Family member/friend __
 Other (please specify)

3) Besides your practitioner, were other friends/family
      allowed to be with you?

 Not at all __
 During labor only __
 During labor and delivery __

4) Were you allowed to eat or drink during labor?
      (if so, what did you eat/drink?)

5) Were you given an IV?

6) Were you allowed to hold your baby right after s/he was born?
       For how long?

7) Did you nurse your baby right after s/he was born?

8) Was the baby kept in the same room with you or in a nursery?
       If s/he was kept in a nursery, was there a strict feeding schedule?



1) What was your first labor "symptom"?

 Breaking of waters __
 Contractions __
 Bloody "show" __
 Other (please specify)

2) How long was each phase of labor:

 First stage (from beginning until full dilation was reached)?
 Second stage (from end of first stage until baby was born)?
 Third stage (delivery of afterbirth)?

3) Did you use some kind of "method" (Lamaze, Bradley, etc.) during labor?
       If so, what method?

4) What position(s) did you assume during labor? (check as many as apply)

 Sitting __
 Squatting __
 Hands and knees __
 Standing __
 Walking __
 Laying on back __
 Laying on side __
 Others (please specify)

5) In general, how would you describe your labor?

 Excruciating __
 Painful __
 More hard work than pain __
 Fairly easy __
 Piece of cake __



1) How much did your baby(s) weigh?

2) What was his/her first Apgar score?

3) What was the last Apgar score?

4) How far before/after the due date was s/he?

5) How long did you nurse your baby?



1) Were any of the following used/performed during your pregnancy/birth?

 Pubic shave __
 Enema __
 Artificial rupture of waters __
 Induction of labor __
 Augmentation of labor using hormones __
 Induced dilation __
 Fetal monitor:
   Internal __     External __
 Anasthesia/analgesia (what kind?) __
   As the baby's head was crowning __     Earlier in labor __
 Forceps delivery:
   High __    Middle __     Low __
 Vaccuum extraction __
 Manual extraction of afterbirth __



1) Did any "high-risk" situations apply to your pregnancy?

 Age (over 35) __
 Age (under 16) __
 Anemia __
 Diabetes __
 Hypertension/Toxemia __
 Rh factor __
 Multiple Pregnancy __
 Other (please specify)

2) Did any complications occur during labor/delivery?

 Premature birth __
 Breech birth (what type? attempt made to turn it? succesfully?)
 Placenta previa (placenta blocking cervical opening) __
 Premature separation of placenta __
 Amniotic fluid infection __
 Premature rupture of waters __
 CPD (baby too large, pelvis too small) __
 Prolapsed cord __
 Stillbirth __
 Birth defects (please specify)
 Other (please specify)



1) Was a C/SEC performed?  Why was it needed?

2) Was it a repeat C/SEC (no other indication for it except that you'd
       had a C/SEC in the past)?  If so, did you have a trial labor?

3) Did you have a vaginal delivery this time after
       having a C/SEC in the past?


IX - COMMENTS (I wanna hear anything you wanna tell me)


     Thank you for sharing.


		      Joan "the VMS group is moving mountains" Alexander
		      Interactive Systems,
		      Santa Monica, CA


     "Opinions expressed herein were not mine originally, but
      were forced on me at gunpoint by the Interactive Systems