45223wc@mtuxo.UUCP (w.cambre) (01/28/86)
Barbara Charles: The lady of the house does the diapers . . . Carl Blesch: FOUL! SEXISM! I (father) do the diapers. Full pail too heavy for wife so 'MACHO' hubby pour into washing machine. Barbara: Apologize, but you are UNIQUE man. My experience as childbirth instructor and mother - diapers are mother's duty. ME: A) Carl is not unique. My wife and I currently rotate weekly on diaper duty. However Carl IS yechy if he pours the diaper pail water in the washing machine. We pour it into the toilet and just plop the diapers into the machine. B) Since Barbara is a childbirth instructor she is in the best position to alter the sexist attitudes of fathers concerning diapers (and other "mother's duties") since she is talking to alot of soon to be first-time fathers. Saying "diapers are mothers' duty" is making things worse, not better. Now for some info on diapers (non-disposables): CURITY makes some cloth diapers with vel-cro tabs that are really nice. No more pins! They are alot faster to put on. DENBI makes some cloth diapers with breathable nylon exterior and vel-cro tabs so you don't need plastic (nylon) pants. We like these, but they are not quite as absorbent as the Curity diapers. The Denbi's have elastic around the legs. We have bought Curity diapers at JC Penney's and Denbi diapers at either TOYS 'R US or Child World (I don't remember). - Bill Cambre (hubby of childbirth instructor).