[net.kids] Bedwetting, Hyperactivity/learning disabilities

jkr@gitpyr.UUCP (J. Kenneth Riviere) (01/30/86)

I have just read an article in the Winter, 1986 issue of _Mothering_ 
magazine (published by Mothering Publications, Inc., PO Box 8410, 
Santa Fe, NM  87504 (505-984-8116)) written by Jacqueline McDonald 
(editor of Feingold newsletter, mother of 2, living on Minot Air Force 
Base, ND) concerning people who suffer from bedwetting (enuresis) and 
hyperactivity/learning disabilities (H-LD).  The basic point of the 
article was that there appears to be a strong connection between these 
problems and sleep disorders, specifically a lack of sufficient REM 
cycles in the sleep pattern.  A strong correlation has been found 
between bedwetters and people (even adults) who have unusually deep 
sleep patterns.  These people typically fall quickly into very deep 
sleep and then "surface" into the essential REM cycle of sleep for 
only very brief periods of time.  During the very deep sleep it is 
especially difficult for individuals to control their bladders due to 
the fact they are sleeping so very soundly.  Beyond that, the lack of 
REM sleep also seems to lead to the H-LD problems and perhaps some 
other difficulties.  The article reports that some people have been 
cured of enuresis and/or H-LD through the establishment of more 
standard sleep cycles in which more time is spent in the REM stage 
than had previously been the case.  The treatment involved a lie-
detector type device which was used to monitor the sleep patterns of 
the patients so that their sleep cycle could be observed and steps 
taken to correct the abnormalities.  On "average" the cases studied 
took "several weeks to several months for complete correction, though 
a rare and difficult case would last longer than a year."  Suggestions 
for improved sleep patterns include:

 o Superior Nutrition
 o Generous between-meal water intake (6 to 10 glasses a day)
 o Reasonable regularity in bedtimes, naptimes, even mealtimes
 o Abundant outdoor exercise
 o Low-stress lifestyle

  Pacific International, Ltd., 555 Birch Street, Nekoosa, WI  54457 
was cited as an organization that has established itself as having an 
effective treatment record for over 33 years.

  The things this article pointed out fit in with the experiences of 
some friends of ours who have a bedwetting daughter.  She is a very 
deep sleeper as characterized by the article.  After a series of 
nights in which she had wet the bed each night she awoke dry one 
morning and was able to tell of a dream she remembered, an unusual 
rememberance for her.  Since the REM sleep cycles are when people's 
active and memorable dreams occur, this seems to fit the pattern.  Our 
friends have written for further information.  If there is sufficient 
interest (and I can find the time) I will try to report on any further 

J. Kenneth Riviere   (JoKeR)
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta Georgia, 30332
"I'd rather be conservative than bigoted,
 but I'd rather be *dead* than conservative!"
         -Kate from _Kate_and_Allie_