[net.astro] Request For Information

amra@ihuxj.UUCP (Steven L. Aldrich) (01/21/84)

     I read an interesting article in the Jan/Feb issue of Science84
    and would like additional information. The article in question
    covered Alan Guth's new "inflationary" model of the universe.
    It is supposedly superior to the Big Bang theory because it explains
    the origin of matter and energy in the universe. I want to know if
    anyone is familiar with this new theory, and if so, is there any additional
    data to support/oppose it. I am not an expert in cosmology, but I do
    have a keen interest in this area. I figured there are numerous people
    on this newsgroup who could provide me with valid information about this
    theory. Any help is greatly appreciated. THANKS IN ADVANCE!!!

     Also, I was wondering what Stephen Hawking is up to these days. I
   admire the abilities of this individual and thought I'd see if anybody
   could provide more details. He posses a mind of superior quality and
   insight. His work on Black Holes is incredible. 

                             PEACE & BEST WISHES
                       From the ever curious mind of:
                 Steve (Black Holes Are Out Of Sight) Aldrich
    p.s. Either post replies to this newsgroup or send me mail.
          Thanks Again for your information.