[net.astro] Cosmic Calendar For: Sept,84

amra@ihuxj.UUCP (Steven L. Aldrich) (08/25/84)

    Hello, I am trying an experimental posting of information
   for astronomical events/coordinates for the month of Sept (84)
  Since there have been a few requests for such information
  in the recent past, I thought I'd try my hand at furnishing
  some of the information people might want. Please let me
  know your opinions/suggestions on this. If there is enough
  Positive Responce, I may attempt to make it a regular Monthly

   This is NOT an attempt on my part to compete with the "Star Date"
  postings. Rather, it is an attempt to help Supplement these postings
  by providing additional information for an entire month. If you
  have any comments/suggestions either send EMAIL to IHNP4!IHUXJ!AMRA
  or Post to "net.astro". I will try to respond in a timely manner.
  Thanks for your time hope you find this of some use. Let me know
  what you think, I really would like to know.

    The information appears below, Happy Reading/Star Gazing.....

   Cosmic Events For: September, 1984

 Day  | Event
  02  | First Quarter Moon at 06:30 am EDT. Mars is 2 deg. N of Antares.
  04  | Mars Passes 2 deg. S of Uranus; Both in Southern Ophiuchus.
  08  | Look for Mercury and the Star Regulus together in E sky 1hr B4 dawn
  10  | Full Moon (Harvest Moon) at 3:01 EDT
  11  | Moon at apogee at 9:26 EDT; Dist=252,509 miles
  16  | Mercury passes through perihelion today.
  18  | Last Quarter Moon at 05:31 EDT.
  22  | Autumnal Equinox occurs at 16:33 EDT. Fall Begins in N. Hemisphere.
  24  | Moon at perigee 22:51 EDT; Dist=221,807 miles
  25  | New Moon at 23:11 EDT

     Planetary Data For: September, 1984

                           Angular                From (AU)
 Planet   | Date | Mag. |   Size    | % Illum. | Earth/Sun | R.A./Dec.
 Mercury  |  01  |  3.8 |   10.3"   |   03%    | 0.66/0.37 | 10h14.1m/7*22.0'
 Mercury  |  15  | -0.4 |   7.0"    |   52%    | 0.97/0.31  | 10h27.2m/10*26.2'
 Mercury  |  30  | -1.2 |   5.1"    |   95%    | 1.31/0.35  | 11h58.2m/2*10.6'
  Venus   |  01  | -3.9 |   10.7"   |   93%    | 1.57/0.72 | 12h01.6m/1*03.9'
  Venus   |  15  | -3.9 |   11.1"   |   91%    | 1.51/.72  | 13h04.2m/-6*06.6'
  Venus   |  30  | -3.9 |   11.7"   |   88%    | 1.43/0.73 | 14h12.9m/-13*21.0'
   Mars   |  15  |  0.1 |   08.6"   |   85%    | 1.08/1.40 | 17h01.5m/-25*03.5'
 Jupiter  |  15  | -2.3 |   40.1"   |   99%    | 4.90/5.19 | 18h16.3m/-23*29.4'
  Saturn  |  15  | 0.7  |   15.8"   |   100%   | 10.50/9.89| 14h44.9m/-13*41.9'
  Uranus  |  15  | 5.6  |    3.6"   |   100%   |19.22/19.03| 16h33.8m/-21*56.9'
 Neptune  |  15  |  7.9 |   2.2"    |   100%    |30.13/30.26| 17h55.2m/-22*16.2'
   Pluto  |  15  | 13.8 |    0.1"   |   100%   |30.56/29.81| 14h17.2m/03*38.5'

            Satellites of Jupiter (4:00 UT)
         (As Seen Through Refracting Telescope)
       [ Jupiter=0, Io=1, Europa=2, Ganymede=3, Callisto=4 ]

          | Date | Order |     | Date | Order |
          |  01  | 42103 |     |  16  |  4013 |
          |  02  | 40213 |     |  17  | 41023 |
          |  03  |  1023 |     |  18  | 42031 |
          |  04  |  2014 |     |  19  | 32410 |
          |  05  |  3204 |     |  20  |  3042 |
          |  06  |  3024 |     |  21  | 30124 |
          |  07  |  3014 |     |  22  |  2104 |
          |  08  | 21034 |     |  23  |  0134 |
          |  09  | 02134 |     |  24  | 10234 |
          |  10  | 10243 |     |  25  | 20314 |
          |  11  |  201  |     |  26  | 23104 |
          |  12  |  3420 |     |  27  | 30124 |
          |  13  |  4302 |     |  28  |  302  |
          |  14  | 43021 |     |  29  |  4210 |
          |  15  | 42103 |     |  30  | 4013  |
          |  31  |       |     |----- |-------|

             That's all for this time!
              Steve Aldrich (ihnp4!ihuxj!amra)
              "The Universe is Far-Out!!" :-)