[net.astro] Cosmic Calendar For 10-84

amra@ihuxj.UUCP (Steven L. Aldrich) (09/22/84)

    For those who might have missed the earlier posting of this
   months calendar here it is a second time. If you've already
   seen this, skip to Next Article Now......

   Cosmic Events For: October, 1984

 Day  | Event

  01  | First Quarter Moon at 17:52 pm EDT. Moon near Mars & Jupiter.
  08  | Moon farthest from Earth at 10:45 am EDT; Dist=252,472 miles.
  08  | Venus lies 3 deg. S of Saturn Tonight!
  09  | Full Moon at 19:58 pm EDT. Draconid Meteor Shower at peak!
  10  | Mercury at Superior Conjunction with Sun. Moves into night sky.
  13  | Mars less than 2 deg. S of Jupiter tonight.
  17  | Last Quarter Moon at 17:14 EDT.
  20  | Check Out Orionid Meteor Showers tonight. Last one B4 Comet Halley.
  23  | Moon at closest to Earth at 09:50 am EDT Dist=222,766 Miles
  24  | New Moon at 08:08 am EDT
  26  | Thin Cresent Moon lies near Venus & star "Antares" tonight.
  28  | Daylight Savings Time Ends; Turn Clocks Back 1hr.
  28  | Moon passes near Jupiter & Mars tonight & tomorrow. Look in low SW
  31  | First Quarter Moon at 08:07 am EST

     Planetary Data For: October, 1984

                           Angular                From (AU)
 Planet   | Date | Mag. |   Size    | % Illum. | Earth/Sun |   R.A. | Dec
 Mercury  |  01  |-1.3  |    5.1"   |   96%    | 1.32/0.40 |12h04.8m|1*25.3'
 Mercury  |  15  |-1.2  |    4.7"   |  100%    | 1.43/0.43 |13h33.7m|-9*08.9'
 Mercury  |  31  |-0.5  |    4.9"   |   94%    | 1.38/0.47 |15h10.9m|-19*00.4'
  Venus   |  01  |-3.9  |   11.7"   |   88%    | 1.43/0.73 |14h17.6m|-13*47.9'
  Venus   |  15  |-4.0  |   12.3"   |   85%    | 1.35/0.73 |15h25.0m|-19*26.1'
  Venus   |  31  |-4.0  |   13.3"   |   81%    | 1.26/0.73 |16h46.7m|-23*51.8'
   Mars   |  15  | 0.4  |    7.5"   |   86%    | 1.25/1.39 |18h31.1m|-25*17.8'
 Jupiter  |  15  |-2.1  |   36.7"   |   99%    | 5.36/5.18 |18h28.4m|-23*25.7'
  Saturn  |  15  | 0.6  |   15.3"   |   100%   |10.80/9.89 |14h56.9m|-14*40.1'
  Uranus  |  15  | 5.7  |    3.6"   |   100%   |19.68/19.04|16h38.2m|-22*06.1'
 Neptune  |  15  | 8.0  |    2.2"   |   100%   |30.63/30.26|17h56.6m|-22*17.7'
   Pluto  |  15  |13.8  |    0.1"   |   100%   |30.74/29.80|14h21.1m|03*101'


     1) Mag.: Magnitude; degree of brightness of star/object/etc.
               Magnitude 1 is brightest, although some stars/planets/
               etc have Negative Magnitudes (These Are VERY BRIGHT)

     2) Angular Size: Size of object as viewed through telescope (?)
                      Measured in degrees of arc. (Is This Correct?)

     3) % Illum.: Percentage of surface illuminated by solar light.

     4) Earth/Sun (AU): Distance to object (planet) as measured from
                        either Earth or Sun. An "AU" is Astronomical
                         Units (distance of Earth from Sun). Roughly
                        this figure is rounded to 93 Million Miles.

     5) R.A./Dec.: Right Ascention/Declination of star/planet/object;
                   Right Ascention is measured in time units where 24
                   hours equals 360 degrees. When the first point of
                   Aries culminates the time is 00h 00min.

                   Declination; Celestial Latitude. North Celestial
                   Pole has a declination of N 90 degrees (*)

            Satellites of Jupiter (4:00 UT)
         (As Seen Through Refracting Telescope)
       [ Jupiter=0, Io=1, Europa=2, Ganymede=3, Callisto=4 ]

          | Date | Order |     | Date | Order |
          |  01  | 41023 |     |  16  |  4023 |
          |  02  |  4013 |     |  17  |  4210 |
          |  03  | 41230 |     |  18  |  4301 |
          |  04  |  4301 |     |  19  | 43102 |
          |  05  | 43102 |     |  20  |  4301 |
          |  06  | 24301 |     |  21  | 42103 |
          |  07  | 21043 |     |  22  | 40123 |
          |  08  |  0243 |     |  23  |  4023 |
          |  09  |  0234 |     |  24  |  2034 |
          |  10  |  2104 |     |  25  | 32014 |
          |  11  |  3014 |     |  26  | 31024 |
          |  12  | 31024 |     |  27  |  3014 |
          |  13  | 32014 |     |  28  |  2104 |
          |  14  | 21034 |     |  29  | 02134 |
          |  15  |  023  |     |  30  | 10234 |
          |  31  |  2043 |     | |------|

             That's all for this time!
              Steve Aldrich (ihnp4!ihuxj!amra)
              "The Universe is Far-Out!!" :)