[net.music] A good album...

ag4@pucc-h (Angus Greiswald the fourth) (01/25/85)

Just to show all you folks that I don't just dwell in the past,
here's an new album recommend.

_Everything but the Girl_ by the band of the same name.

    This is probably pretty obscure stuff, but well worth it if you can
find it.  It is basically a small jazz/'light rock' combo with female singer.
But don't be fooled if this sounds drab and dull to you.  It certainly
would to me.  But, there's a certain casual bounce (or is it spunk)
to this album that gives it life.  And to boot, this girl's got a beautiful
voice sorta like an good jazz or night club singer and very effective.
At the store in my home town (Cols. OH) that I frequent, School Kids Records,
'the Girl' has a bin in the new records section that was originally labelled
'School Kids recommends' but was changed via a slash thru 'recommends'
to 'School Kids insists.'  If this was your regular joe typical record
store, I wouldn't have been swayed.  But, since I know the guy who
runs the shop (he's as much music lover as shop owner), and I remember
when _Gaucho_ came out and School Kids recommended you not buy the album
but tape it, because it came out at list $9.98 (a dollar more than other
new releases at the time), I decided to go for it.  Good stuff!

"I'm gonna hurl myself against the wall,
  'cause I'd rather feel bad than not feel anything at all!"

Jeff Lewis                                         vvvvvvvvvvvv