[net.astro] Solar Physics 'Post Office'

woods@hao.UUCP (Greg Woods) (03/17/86)

  Stanford University is trying to set themselves up as a central post 
office for the solar physics community. HAO will be assisting them in that
effort. I am posting this for Rick Bogart (solar!rick), the postmaster there.

>From solar!rick Sat Mar 15 16:24:00 1986
>From: Rick Bogart <solar!rick>
>Subject: fyi - please post

Wilcox Solar Observatory at Stanford University serves as an internetwork
forwarding facility for electronic mail among members of the Solar Physics
community.  If you do not have a mail address or an easy connection for
someone, you can address mail to the appropriate mail-name at host SOLAR
and the mail will be automatically forwarded.

To send mail to a person with mail_name "user" via Stanford, you should
address your mail as follows:

  from ARPAnet sites that handle domain name addressing:

  from ARPAnet sites that do not handle domain name addressing:

  from uucp sites:
	(or substitute hao or mtxinu for noao)

  from BITnet sites:
	(If your mailer cannot handle names of more than eight characters,
	 don't worry; the first eight characters of the mail-name will

  from sites on SPAN (NASA DECnet):

The current directory of mail-names at SOLAR follows.  If you wish to add 
your name to this list (or receive an updated version), please send mail 
to the postmaster at solar (e.g. noao!solar!postmaster) or corona (e.g.
corona::postmaster) in one of the ways listed above.  If you have trouble
sending mail to Stanford or experience problems with mail receipt that your
system manager cannot resolve, call Rick Bogart at (415) 723-1296.

Name				Location		Mail Name

Altrock, Richard C              AFGL, Sunspot           raltrock
An, Chang-Hyuk                  NASA-MSFC, Huntsville   chan
Antiochos, Spiro K              NRL, Washington         santiochos
Bogart, Richard S               Stanford                rbogart
Brainerd, James J               Stanford                jbrainerd
Brault, James W                 NOAO-NSO, Tucson        jbrault
Christensen-Dalsgaard, Jorgen   Aarhus                  jchristensen
Duvall, Thomas L                NASA-GSFC, Tucson       tduvall
Fossat, Eric                    Nice                    efossat
Gary, Dale E                    CalTech                 dgary
Gary, G Allen                   NASA-MSFC, Huntsville   gagary
Giampapa, Mark S                NOAO-NSO, Tucson        mgiampapa
Hagyard, Mona                   NASA-MSFC, Huntsville   mhagyard
Harvey, John W                  NOAO-NSO, Tucson        jharvey
Harvey, Karen L                 SPRC, Tucson            kharvey
Hathaway, David                 NASA-MSFC, Huntsville   dhathaway
Henning, Harald M J             Stanford                hhenning
Henze, William                  NASA-MSFC, Huntsville   whenze
Hoeksema, J Todd                Stanford                jthoeksema
Howard, Robert F                NOAO-NSO, Tucson        rhoward
Hurford, Gordon J               CalTech                 ghurford
Illing, Rainer M E              NCAR-HAO, Boulder       rilling
Jones, Harrison P               NASA-GSFC, Tucson       hjones
Leibacher, John W               NOAO-NSO, Tucson        jleibacher
Libbrecht, Kenneth G            CalTech                 klibbrecht
Liggett, Margaret A             CalTech                 mliggett
Livingston, William C           NOAO-NSO, Tucson        wlivingston
Lundstedt, Henrik               Lund                    hlundstedt
MacQueen, Robert M              NCAR-HAO, Boulder       rmacqueen
Martin, Sara F                  CalTech                 smartin
Morgan, Jeffrey S               Stanford                jmorgan
Moore, Ronald L                 NASA-MSFC, Huntsville   rmoore
Petrosian, Vahe                 Stanford                vpetrosian
Popp, Bruce                     CalTech                 bpopp
Rabin, Douglas M                NOAO-NSO, Tucson        drabin
Recely, Frank                   NOAA, Tucson            frecely
Roberts, Walter Orr             NCAR, Boulder           wroberts
Rust, David M                   Johns Hopkins           drust
Scherrer, Philip H              Stanford                pscherrer
Sturrock, Peter A               Stanford                psturrock
Suess, Steven T                 NASA-MSFC, Huntsville   ssuess
Tang, Frances Y C               CalTech                 ftang
Timothy, J Gethyn               Stanford                jgtimothy
Wagner, William J               NOAO-NSO, Tucson        wwagner
Walker, Arthur B C              Stanford                awalker
Walton, Stephen R               CalTech                 swalton
White, Oran R                   NCAR-HAO, Tucson        orwhite
Wilson, Peter                   Sydney                  pwilson
Yang, Wei-Hong                  Stanford                whyang
Zirin, Harold                   CalTech                 hzirin