[net.astro] New Site - Space Telescope Science Institute

fred@stsci.UUCP (04/02/86)

We are relatively new to uucp and just got our news feed up. Astronomical
questions should be directed toward Ropert Lupton (stsci!rhl) instead
of myself.

You can get to us via noao, astrovax, osiris, jhunix, charm, and nrao1

#N	stsci
#S	SUN 2/120; 4.2 BSD UNIX
#O	Space Telescope Science Institute
#C	Fred Romelfanger, Peter Shames
#E	stsci!postmaster, stsci!fred, stsci!pmbs
#T	+1 301 338 4796, +1 301 338 4748
#P	Johns Hopkins Homewood Campus, Baltimore, Maryland 21218
#L	76 37 30 W / 39 30 00 N
#U	osiris
#W	stsci!fred (Fred Romelfanger); Mon Mar 31 10:58:03 EST 1986
            Fred Romelfanger
            Space Telescope Science Institute
            Baltimore, Md. 21218